
Official nameRepublic of Chad
Name in local languageRépublique du Tchad (fr) ; Jumhūriyyat Tshād - جمهورية تشاد (ar)
SubcontinentSub-Saharan Africa
Population (ranking: 72e)16,818,391 inhabitants (2021)
Population growth3.53 % / year
Area1,284,200 km²
Density13.10 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 148e)11.315 billions $USD (2019)
GDP/capita (ranking)710 $USD (2019)
GDP growth3.20 % / year (2019)
Life expectancy (ranking)54.00 years (2018)
Birth rate47.90 ‰ (2015)
Fertility rate6.40 children / woman (2015)
Death rate (ranking)13.60 ‰ (2015)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)72.00 ‰ (2015)
Literacy rate39.79 % (2016)
Official languagesFrench, Arabic
CurrencyCentral African CFA franc (XAF)
HDI (ranking: 225e)0.398 / 1 (2019)
EPI (ranking)45.34 (2018)
GovernmentUnitary dominant-party presidential republic under a military junta
Head of StateChairman of the Transitional Military Council Mahamat Déby Itno
National Day11 August (independence of 1960)
Tourists (ranking)87,000 people (2017)
Chad – small

Chad is a central African country without access to the sea, located in southern Libya, eastern Niger, Nigeria and Cameroon, north of the Central African Republic and western Sudan.

N'Djamena, capitale du Tchad
N’Djamena, capital city of Chad
Plateau de l’Ennedi, Tchad
Plateau of Ennedi, Chad
See all related maps or articles
Urban areas (2016)
Urban areasPopulation
N'Djaména1,896,032 inhabitants
Moundou158,221 inhabitants
Sarh133,757 inhabitants
Abéché83,155 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Barh El Gazel260,865 inhabitants50,860 km²
Batha527,031 inhabitants88,800 km²
Borkou97,251 inhabitants241,000 km²
Chari-Baguirmi621,785 inhabitants31,426 km²
Ennedi Est113,862 inhabitants85,491 km²
Ennedi Ouest59,744 inhabitants127,538 km²
Guéra553,795 inhabitants61,279 km²
Hadjer-Lamis562,957 inhabitants31,426 km²
Kanem354,603 inhabitants73,665 km²
Lac451,369 inhabitants19,915 km²
Logone Occidental683,293 inhabitants8,844 km²
Logone Oriental796,453 inhabitants23,802 km²
Mandoul637,086 inhabitants17,517 km²
Mayo-Kebbi Est769,198 inhabitants18,186 km²
Mayo-Kebbi Ouest569,087 inhabitants12,479 km²
Moyen-Chari598,284 inhabitants41,460 km²
N'Djaména1,243,994 inhabitants395 km²
Ouaddaï731,679 inhabitants29,980 km²
Salamat308,605 inhabitants63,000 km²
Sila289,776 inhabitants35,890 km²
Tandjilé682,817 inhabitants17,604 km²
Tibesti21,970 inhabitants220,237 km²
Wadi Fira494,933 inhabitants54,310 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also