
Official nameKingdom of Spain
Name in local languageReino de España (es)
SubcontinentEuropean Union
Population (ranking: 30e)48,592,909 inhabitants (2024)
Population growth1.05 % / year
Area505,992 km²
Density96.03 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 13e)1,417.800 billions $USD (2022)
GDP/capita (ranking)29,674 $USD (2022)
GDP growth5.80 % / year (2022)
Life expectancy (ranking)83.40 years (2018)
Birth rate9.02 ‰ (2015)
Fertility rate1.33 children / woman (2015)
Death rate (ranking)9.06 ‰ (2015)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)2.67 ‰ (2015)
Literacy rate99.76 % (2015)
Official languagesSpanish
CurrencyEuro (€ EUR)
HDI (ranking: 34e)0.911 / 1 (2022)
EPI (ranking)78.39 (2018)
GovernmentUnitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Head of StateKing Felipe VI
National Day12 October (discovery of Americas by Europeans)
Tourists (ranking)85,100,000 people (2023)
Espagne – petite

Spain is a country of Southern and Western Europe. It occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula, which it shares with Portugal. It also shares a mountainous border (Pyrenees) in the north with France, and Andorra, a small landlocked country in between. On the Mediterranean coast, it has two landlocked territories in Morocco, Ceuta and Melilla. It is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the east, and the Atlantic Ocean to the north and west. To the south, it is Africa that faces Gibraltar, the British territory claimed by Spain, and the southern coast of Andalusia, by the Strait of Gibraltar, separating Europe from Africa from only 14 kilometers. Spain also has the Balearic archipelago, east of its Mediterranean coasts, and the Canary Islands archipelago off the coast of Morocco in the Atlantic.

Maison de luxe à Marbella, Espagne
Luxury house in Marbella, Spain. Source: Most Beautiful Spots

Mallorca, Llubí, Spain. Source: Wildlife Archives

Cuatro Torres Business Area - Madrid, Espagne
Cuatro Torres Business Area – Madrid, Spain. Photo: Eurostarshoteles
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Urban areas (2017)
Urban areasPopulation
Madrid6,980,646 inhabitants
Barcelona5,355,127 inhabitants
Valencia1,723,935 inhabitants
Seville1,543,858 inhabitants
Bilbao1,070,188 inhabitants
Alicante - Elche870,972 inhabitants
Málaga858,731 inhabitants
Asturias (Oviedo–Gijón–Avilés)801,226 inhabitants
Zaragoza756,296 inhabitants
Palma678,611 inhabitants
Murcia624,658 inhabitants
Granada561,818 inhabitants
Vigo541,686 inhabitants
Valladolid422,672 inhabitants
A Coruña419,110 inhabitants
Pamplona380,983 inhabitants
Santander380,200 inhabitants
Córdoba358,887 inhabitants
San Sebastián338,267 inhabitants
Tarragona335,153 inhabitants
Marbella310,111 inhabitants
Algeciras - Gibraltar299,593 inhabitants
Vitoria-Gasteiz273,689 inhabitants
Cádiz255,163 inhabitants
Cartagena233,941 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Autonomous communitiesPopulationArea
Andalusia8,409,657 inhabitants87,268 km²
Aragon1,317,076 inhabitants47,719 km²
Asturias1,034,449 inhabitants10,604 km²
Balearic Islands1,150,839 inhabitants4,992 km²
Basque Country2,167,707 inhabitants7,234 km²
Canary Islands2,154,905 inhabitants7,447 km²
Cantabria581,477 inhabitants5,321 km²
Castile and León2,435,797 inhabitants94,223 km²
Castilla-La Mancha2,040,379 inhabitants79,463 km²
Catalonia7,441,176 inhabitants32,114 km²
Ceuta (Autonomous city)85,107 inhabitants19 km²
Extremadura1,077,715 inhabitants41,634 km²
Galicia2,710,607 inhabitants29,574 km²
La Rioja312,647 inhabitants5,045 km²
Madrid6,475,872 inhabitants8,028 km²
Melilla (Autonomous city)85,116 inhabitants13 km²
Murcia1,472,949 inhabitants11,313 km²
Navarre640,502 inhabitants10,391 km²
Valencia4,934,993 inhabitants23,255 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also