United States Virgin Islands

Official nameUnited States Virgin Islands
Name in local languageUnited States Virgin Islands (en)
Population (ranking: 208e)108,298 inhabitants (2019)
Population growth0.78 % / year
Area348 km²
Density311.20 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 182e)3.855 billions $USD (2017)
GDP/capita (ranking)35,938 $USD (2017)
GDP growth-1.70 % / year (2017)
Life expectancy (ranking)79.87 years (2015)
Birth rate10.30 ‰ (2015)
Fertility rate1.74 children / woman (2015)
Death rate (ranking)8.50 ‰ (2015)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)7.09 ‰ (2012)
Literacy rate100.00 % (2021)
Official languagesEnglish
CurrencyUnited States dollar ($ USD)
HDI (ranking: 40e)0.894 / 1 (2008)
EPI (ranking)0.00 (2018)
GovernmentUnincorporated and organized territory of the United States
Head of StatePresident Joe Biden ; Governor Albert Bryan
National Day4 July (independence of the USA in 1776)
DemonymVirgin Islander, American
Tourists (ranking)381,000 people (2018)
Îles Vierges des États-Unis – petite

The United States Virgin Islands is an archipelago of the West Indies located east of Puerto Rico, another territory belonging to the United States. It is an unincorporated and organized territory of the United States. They are to the west of the British Virgin Islands, which belong to the United Kingdom.
The archipelago is made up of three main islands: St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix, as well as about fifty islets, smaller and mostly uninhabited.

Charlotte-Amélie, capitale des îles Vierges des États-Unis
Charlotte Amalie, capital of United States Virgin Islands. Photo: Matt Wade
See all related maps or articles
Urban areas (2010)
Urban areasPopulation
Charlotte-Amélie (Charlotte Amalie)51,634 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Saint-John4,170 inhabitants51 km²
Saint-Thomas51,634 inhabitants81 km²
Sainte-Croix50,601 inhabitants216 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also