North Macedonia

Official nameRepublic of North Macedonia
Name in local languageРепублика Македонија (mk-Cyrl) - Republika Makedonija (mk-Latn)
SubcontinentEurope (outside the European Union)
Population (ranking: 154e)2,076,129 inhabitants (2018)
Population growth0.12 % / year
Area25,713 km²
Density80.74 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 144e)12.672 billions $USD (2018)
GDP/capita (ranking)6,084 $USD (2018)
GDP growth2.70 % / year (2018)
Life expectancy (ranking)75.70 years (2018)
Birth rate11.10 ‰ (2016)
Fertility rate1.50 children / woman (2016)
Death rate (ranking)9.90 ‰ (2016)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)11.90 ‰ (2016)
Literacy rate98.61 % (2015)
Official languagesMacedonian
CurrencyDenar (MKD)
HDI (ranking: 117e)0.759 / 1 (2018)
EPI (ranking)61.06 (2018)
GovernmentParliamentary republic
Head of StatePresident Stevo Pendarovski
National Day2 août
Tourists (ranking)1,015,905 people (2017)
Macédoine – petite

North Macedonia is a southern European state located on the Balkan Peninsula. It is one of the successor states of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, to which it declared its independence in 1991. Country without access to the sea, it has borders with Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Kosovo and Albania. The country occupies approximately the northern half of geographic Macedonia, which also extends to Bulgaria and Greece.

Lac de Debar, Macédoine
Lake of Debar, North Macedonia
Skopje, capitale de la Macédoine
Skopje, capital of North Macedonia. Photo: Dejan Sokolovski
See all related maps or articles
Urban areas (2016)
Urban areasPopulation
Skopje620,913 inhabitants
Koumanovo108,942 inhabitants
Bitola92,329 inhabitants
Tetovo91,431 inhabitants
Gostivar83,557 inhabitants
Prilep75,484 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Est176,877 inhabitants3,537 km²
Nord-Est176,231 inhabitants2,308 km²
Pélagonie230,771 inhabitants4,717 km²
Polog320,299 inhabitants2,417 km²
Skopje620,913 inhabitants1,812 km²
Sud-Est173,552 inhabitants2,739 km²
Sud-Ouest219,718 inhabitants3,340 km²
Vardar152,917 inhabitants3,393 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also