
Official nameRepublic of Honduras
Name in local languageRepública de Honduras (es)
SubcontinentCentral America
Population (ranking: 97e)9,509,522 inhabitants (2021)
Population growth1.57 % / year
Area111,275 km²
Density85.46 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 115e)23.828 billions $USD (2020)
GDP/capita (ranking)2,406 $USD (2020)
GDP growth-9.00 % / year (2020)
Life expectancy (ranking)76.64 years (2020)
Birth rate23.14 ‰ (2016)
Fertility rate2.40 children / woman (2020)
Death rate (ranking)4.45 ‰ (2020)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)15.40 ‰ (2020)
Literacy rate88.50 % (2016)
Official languagesSpanish
CurrencyLempira (HNL)
HDI (ranking: 169e)0.634 / 1 (2019)
EPI (ranking)51.51 (2018)
GovernmentPresidential republic
Head of StatePresident Xiomara Castro
National Day15 September (independence of 1821)
Tourists (ranking)865,000 people (2018)
Honduras – petite
A rich country but unable to grow

Honduras is a country located in Central America. It is bordered the west by Guatemala, to the southwest by El Salvador, to the southeast by Nicaragua, to the south by the Pacific Ocean at the Gulf of Fonseca, and to the north by the Gulf of Honduras, a large inlet of the Caribbean Sea.

Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras
Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras. Photo: Wikipedia

It’s a country very rich in natural resources: mines, forests (illegal deforestation is a major concern), agriculture, industries, especially textiles, are the strengths of its economy, which has in recent years seen high growth rates.
However, the vast majority of the population does not see their standard of living increase, with 59% of Hondurans still living below the poverty line (2019).
Farmers will regularly swell the slums that swarm around large cities, especially the capital Tegucigalpa, whose population has exploded to almost 3 millions, and San Pedro Sula, which has become the second largest urban area in the country with 2.5 million inhabitants.
Infrastructure, including health, social, education, transportation, etc. are totally inadequate, and many problems may be difficult to solve: delinquency, prostitution, security, water sanitation, pollution, car traffic.
The country is too often managed by the authorities in the manner of a “banana republic”, violence against minorities, a strong component of which is the Amerindian community, and corruption remain endemic in Honduras.
According to the UN, Honduras is also the most violent country outside war zones. A sad record. The weakness of the rule of law clearly hampers the development of the country, because of its isolation in the international community, and in particular of some of its neighbors.

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Urban areas (2021)
Urban areasPopulation
Tegucigalpa2,940,661 inhabitants
San Pedro Sula (Valle de Sula)2,497,586 inhabitants
Comayagua243,879 inhabitants
La Ceiba204,140 inhabitants
Danlí203,109 inhabitants
Choluteca157,300 inhabitants
Catacamas132,952 inhabitants
Juticalpa129,875 inhabitants
Puerto Cortés126,008 inhabitants
Olanchito108,422 inhabitants
Tocoa94,120 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Atlántida500,846 inhabitants4,227 km²
Choluteca486,120 inhabitants4,397 km²
Colón355,436 inhabitants8,276 km²
Comayagua582,860 inhabitants5,120 km²
Copán424,904 inhabitants3,239 km²
Cortés1,852,772 inhabitants3,911 km²
El Paraíso510,431 inhabitants7,383 km²
Francisco Morazán1,724,409 inhabitants8,580 km²
Gracias a Dios108,262 inhabitants15,876 km²
Intibucá274,380 inhabitants3,126 km²
Islas de la Bahía78,630 inhabitants229 km²
La Paz231,898 inhabitants2,534 km²
Lempira376,139 inhabitants4,285 km²
Ocotepeque171,251 inhabitants1,636 km²
Olancho594,910 inhabitants24,038 km²
Santa Bárbara483,203 inhabitants5,013 km²
Valle194,166 inhabitants1,618 km²
Yoro647,122 inhabitants7,787 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also