
Official nameCo-operative Republic of Guyana (en)
Name in local languageGuyana
SubcontinentSouth America
Population (ranking: 170e)781,892 inhabitants (2024)
Population growth0.38 % / year
Area214,970 km²
Density3.64 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 128e)16.329 billions $USD (2023)
GDP/capita (ranking)17,108 $USD (2023)
GDP growth77.91 % / year (2023)
Life expectancy (ranking)66.00 years (2021)
Birth rate17.60 ‰ (2015)
Fertility rate2.60 children / woman (2014)
Death rate (ranking)6.80 ‰ (2015)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)21.00 ‰ (2017)
Literacy rate94.37 % (2015)
Official languagesEnglish, Guyanese Creole
CurrencyGuyanese dollar ($ GYD)
HDI (ranking: 124e)0.742 / 1 (2022)
EPI (ranking)47.93 (2018)
Head of StatePresident Irfaan Ali
National Day23 February (Mashramani, independence of 1966)
Tourists (ranking)247,000 people (2017)
Guyana – petite
Phenomenal economic growth

Guyana is a state in South America located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. It is surrounded by Venezuela to the west, Brazil to the west and south, and Suriname to the east. It is the only English-speaking country in the South American sub-continent. It is part of the British Commonwealth, but unlike many of its member countries, it is not a monarchy, but a republic.

Mont Roraima, Venezuela
Mount Roraima, shared between Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. Photo: Most Beautiful Spots
Chutes Kaieteur, Guyana
Kaieteur Falls, Guyana. Source: Wildlife Archives
See all related maps or articles
Urban areas (2017)
Urban areasPopulation
Georgetown424,848 inhabitants
Nouvelle-Amsterdam (New Amsterdam)33,177 inhabitants
Linden29,298 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Barima-Waini28,456 inhabitants20,339 km²
Berbice Oriental-Courantyne102,588 inhabitants36,234 km²
Cuyuni-Mazaruni21,880 inhabitants47,213 km²
Demerara-Mahaica315,157 inhabitants2,232 km²
Haut-Demerara-Berbice38,634 inhabitants17,040 km²
Haut-Takutu-Haut-Essequibo27,380 inhabitants57,750 km²
Îles d'Essequibo-Demerara Occidental109,691 inhabitants3,755 km²
Mahaica-Berbice48,402 inhabitants4,190 km²
Pomeroon-Supenaam45,376 inhabitants6,195 km²
Potaro-Siparuni10,241 inhabitants20,051 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also