
Official nameCanada
Name in local languageCanada (en ; fr)
SubcontinentNorth America
Population (ranking: 36e)40,206,439 inhabitants (2023)
Population growth3.14 % / year
Area9,984,670 km²
Density4.03 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 8e)2,139.840 billions $USD (2022)
GDP/capita (ranking)54,967 $USD (2022)
GDP growth3.40 % / year (2022)
Life expectancy (ranking)82.40 years (2019)
Birth rate10.60 ‰ (2016)
Fertility rate1.47 children / woman (2019)
Death rate (ranking)7.40 ‰ (2015)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)4.40 ‰ (2019)
Literacy rate100.00 % (2023)
Official languagesFrench, English
CurrencyDollar ($ CAD)
HDI (ranking: 20e)0.936 / 1 (2021)
EPI (ranking)50.00 (2022)
GovernmentFederal parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Head of StateGovernor General Mary Simon ; Monarch King Charles III ; Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
National Day1st July (Canada Day, Constitution Act in 1867)
Tourists (ranking)22,141,939 people (2019)
Canada – petite
A diversified economy but still based on oil and raw materials

Canada is located in North America. It is the second largest country in the world after Russia. It is made up of ten provinces and three territories. It is bordered to the west by the Pacific Ocean, to the north by the Arctic Ocean, and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean. It shares the world’s longest border (8891 km) with its southern neighbor, the United States. Canada is the country with the largest freshwater reserves in the world.

Aurore boréale au-dessus de Jasper, Alberta, Canada
Aurora borealis above Jasper, Alberta, Canada. Photo:
Canada - évolution du PIB de 2001 à 2015
Canada: evolution of GDP between 2001 and 2015. Source: Statistics Canada, Radio-Canada
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
See all related maps or articles
Urban areas (2022)
Urban areasPopulation
Toronto6,685,621 inhabitants
Montreal4,378,796 inhabitants
Vancouver2,842,730 inhabitants
Calgary1,608,342 inhabitants
Edmonton1,516,719 inhabitants
Ottawa-Gatineau1,498,610 inhabitants
Winnipeg871,778 inhabitants
Quebec848,776 inhabitants
Hamilton821,839 inhabitants
Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo622,497 inhabitants
London574,238 inhabitants
Halifax480,582 inhabitants
St. Catharines–Niagara450,501 inhabitants
Oshawa447,079 inhabitants
Victoria423,136 inhabitants
Detroit - Windsor (Canadian part)359,672 inhabitants
Saskatoon347,536 inhabitants
Regina268,804 inhabitants
Kelowna235,473 inhabitants
Sherbrooke231,055 inhabitants
Barrie228,979 inhabitants
St. John's219,119 inhabitants
Abbotsford-Mission208,961 inhabitants
Kingston180,070 inhabitants
Greater Sudbury175,357 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Provinces and territoriesPopulationArea
Alberta4,771,354 inhabitants661,848 km²
British Columbia5,485,352 inhabitants944,735 km²
Manitoba1,452,806 inhabitants647,797 km²
New Brunswick841,565 inhabitants72,908 km²
Newfoundland and Labrador535,398 inhabitants405,212 km²
Northwest Territories (Territory)45,788 inhabitants1,346,106 km²
Nova Scotia1,060,051 inhabitants55,284 km²
Nunavut (Territory)40,692 inhabitants2,093,190 km²
Ontario15,634,456 inhabitants1,076,395 km²
Prince Edward Island179,520 inhabitants5,660 km²
Quebec8,886,068 inhabitants1,542,056 km²
Saskatchewan1,228,807 inhabitants651,036 km²
Yukon (Territory)44,591 inhabitants482,443 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also