

Official name Russian Federation
Name in local language Российская Федерация (ru)
Continent Europe
Subcontinent Europe (outside the European Union)
Population (ranking: 9e) 146,238,185 inhabitants (2021)
Population growth -0.35 % / year
Area 17,125,402 km²
Density 8.54 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 11e) 1,699.877 billions $USD (2019)
GDP/capita (ranking) 11,585 $USD (2019)
GDP growth 1.30 % / year (2019)
Life expectancy (ranking) 72.40 years (2018)
Birth rate 12.90 ‰ (2016)
Fertility rate 1.70 children / woman (2014)
Death rate (ranking) 12.90 ‰ (2016)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 6.00 ‰ (2016)
Literacy rate 99.72 % (2015)
Official languages Russian
Currency Ruble (₽ RUB)
HDI (ranking: 72e) 0.824 / 1 (2019)
EPI (ranking) 63.79 (2018)
Government Federal semi-presidential constitutional republic[2]
Head of State President Vladimir Putin
National Day 12 December (new Constitution of 1993)
Demonym Russian
Tourists (ranking) 24,551,000 people (2018)
A big country that seeks to regain its power

Russia is the largest country in the world, with more than 17 million km2, far ahead of Canada, second. It is located astride Europe, to the west, and Asia, to the east. It covers a dozen time zones. It shares borders with many countries: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland (Kaliningrad enclave), Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, North Korea. It also has maritime borders very close to those of Japan (Kuriles) and the United States (Alaska) in the Pacific Ocean.
There are almost all types of climates, from the most isolated and icy in the far north, to the arid in the deserts to the south. Going through huge forests, plains, mountainous regions.

Lake Baikal, Siberia, Russia. The deepest lake in the world, it holds as much water as all the Great Lakes in North America. In spring, the ice melts and reveals frozen blocks of turquoise waters of the lake.
World Trade Center, Moscow, Russia. Photo: Moscow Government
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Urban areas (2019)
Urban areas Population
Moscow 20,215,638 inhabitants
Saint Petersburg 6,290,174 inhabitants
Samara-Tolyatti 2,732,321 inhabitants
Rostov-on-Don 2,212,875 inhabitants
Yekaterinburg 2,211,425 inhabitants
Novosibirsk 2,093,266 inhabitants
Nizhny Novgorod 2,086,972 inhabitants
Kazan 1,680,834 inhabitants
Chelyabinsk 1,608,652 inhabitants
Ufa 1,454,053 inhabitants
Krasnodar 1,441,866 inhabitants
Volgograd 1,412,494 inhabitants
Voronezh 1,332,382 inhabitants
Krasnoyarsk 1,324,915 inhabitants
Novokuznetsk 1,312,614 inhabitants
Perm 1,306,876 inhabitants
Omsk 1,261,079 inhabitants
Saratov 1,234,511 inhabitants
Pyatigorsk 1,194,859 inhabitants
Sevastopol 1,180,263 inhabitants
Irkutsk 1,088,310 inhabitants
Tula 1,026,069 inhabitants
Izhevsk 965,550 inhabitants
Naberezhnye Chelny 955,750 inhabitants
Barnaul 864,370 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Subjects Population Area
Adygea 454,744 inhabitants 7,792 km²
Altai (Krai) 2,332,813 inhabitants 167,996 km²
Altai (Republic) 218,866 inhabitants 92,903 km²
Amur 793,194 inhabitants 361,913 km²
Arkhangelsk 1,144,119 inhabitants 589,913 km²
Astrakhan 1,014,065 inhabitants 49,024 km²
Bashkortostan (Bashkiria) 4,051,005 inhabitants 142,947 km²
Belgorod 1,547,418 inhabitants 27,134 km²
Bryansk 1,200,187 inhabitants 34,857 km²
Buryatia 983,273 inhabitants 351,334 km²
Chechnya 1,456,951 inhabitants 15,647 km²
Chelyabinsk 3,475,753 inhabitants 88,529 km²
Chukotka 49,663 inhabitants 721,481 km²
Chuvashia 1,223,395 inhabitants 18,343 km²
Crimea 1,911,818 inhabitants 26,081 km²
Dagestan 3,086,126 inhabitants 50,270 km²
Ingushetia 497,393 inhabitants 3,628 km²
Irkutsk 2,397,763 inhabitants 774,846 km²
Ivanovo 1,004,180 inhabitants 21,437 km²
Jewish Autonomous Oblast (JAO) 159,913 inhabitants 36,266 km²
Kabardino-Balkar 866,219 inhabitants 12,470 km²
Kaliningrad 1,002,187 inhabitants 15,125 km²
Kalmykia 272,647 inhabitants 74,731 km²
Kaluga 1,009,380 inhabitants 29,777 km²
Kamchatka 314,723 inhabitants 464,275 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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