
Official nameRepublic of Latvia
Name in local languageLatvijas Republika (lv)
SubcontinentEuropean Union
Population (ranking: 156e)1,883,008 inhabitants (2023)
Population growth-0.54 % / year
Area64,573 km²
Density29.16 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 95e)41.154 billions $USD (2022)
GDP/capita (ranking)21,851 $USD (2022)
GDP growth2.00 % / year (2022)
Life expectancy (ranking)74.40 years (2022)
Birth rate8.50 ‰ (2022)
Fertility rate1.50 children / woman (2022)
Death rate (ranking)16.40 ‰ (2022)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)2.40 ‰ (2022)
Literacy rate100.00 % (2023)
Official languagesLatvian
CurrencyEuro (€ EUR)
HDI (ranking: 53e)0.863 / 1 (2021)
EPI (ranking)611.00 (2022)
GovernmentUnitary parliamentary constitutional republic
Head of StatePresident Edgars Rinkēvičs
National Day18 November (declaration of independence of 1918)
Tourists (ranking)478,000 people (2021)
Lettonie – petite

Latvia is a North European country member of the European Union since May 2004. Located on the eastern side of the Baltic Sea, it is one of the three Baltic countries, former members of the USSR. It is bordered by Lithuania to the south and Estonia to the north. The country also has land borders in the east with Russia and in the south-east with Belarus. Latvia has been a member of the euro area since January 2014.

Beach, Latvia
Beach, Latvia
Riga, capitale of Latvia, by night
Riga, capitale of Latvia, by night
Riga, capitale of Latvia
Riga, capitale of Latvia
See all related maps or articles
Urban areas (2022)
Urban areasPopulation
Riga1,070,201 inhabitants
Daugavpils79,120 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Courland (Kurzeme)243,032 inhabitants13,607 km²
Latgale264,857 inhabitants14,550 km²
Pieriga (Pierīga)367,266 inhabitants10,135 km²
Riga637,971 inhabitants304 km²
Semigallia (Zemgale)232,759 inhabitants10,732 km²
Vidzeme188,494 inhabitants15,245 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also