
Official nameRepublic of Ecuador
Name in local languageRepública del Ecuador (es)
SubcontinentSouth America
Population (ranking: 69e)17,535,376 inhabitants (2021)
Population growth1.50 % / year
Area256,370 km²
Density68.40 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 63e)107.436 billions $USD (2019)
GDP/capita (ranking)6,184 $USD (2019)
GDP growth0.10 % / year (2019)
Life expectancy (ranking)76.80 years (2018)
Birth rate20.78 ‰ (2014)
Fertility rate2.55 children / woman (2014)
Death rate (ranking)5.13 ‰ (2014)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)18.40 ‰ (2015)
Literacy rate99.06 % (2016)
Official languagesSpanish, Kichwa (Quichua), Shuar
CurrencyDollar $ (USD)
HDI (ranking: 116e)0.759 / 1 (2019)
EPI (ranking)57.42 (2018)
GovernmentUnitary presidential constitutional republic
Head of StatePresident Guillermo Lasso
National Day10 August (declaration of independence of 1809)
Tourists (ranking)2,429,000 people (2018)
Ecuador – small

Ecuador is a country in South America, bordering Peru to the south and east and Colombia to the north and east. It is bathed to the west by the Pacific Ocean.
A small country in South America, Ecuador is full of invaluable natural resources, including oil and natural gas. Long exploited by foreign multinationals, these resources had so far been of little benefit to Ecuadorians.

Volcan Chimborazo, plus haut sommet de l'Équateur
Volcano Chimborazo, highest peak of Ecuador (6 263 m). Photo: David Torres Costales
Guayaquil, principale métropole de l'Équateur.
Guayaquil, main economic city of Ecuador. Photo: Wikipedia
Quito, capitale de l'Équateur
Panoramic view of Quito, capital city of Ecuador. Photo: Diego Delso
Quito, capitale de l'Équateur
Suburbs of Quito, capital of Ecuador. Photo: Diego Delso
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Urban areas (2016)
Urban areasPopulation
Guayaquil3,564,222 inhabitants
Quito2,671,191 inhabitants
Manta751,053 inhabitants
Cuenca705,901 inhabitants
Ambato570,933 inhabitants
Machala537,823 inhabitants
Quevedo478,808 inhabitants
Santo Domingo456,244 inhabitants
Riobamba428,321 inhabitants
Tulcán - Ipiales (Colombia)366,636 inhabitants
Latacunga298,440 inhabitants
Loja255,938 inhabitants
Esmeraldas189,504 inhabitants
Ibarra181,175 inhabitants
La Libertad170,342 inhabitants
Babahoyo153,776 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Azuay838,859 inhabitants7,995 km²
Bolívar205,094 inhabitants3,926 km²
Cañar267,643 inhabitants3,142 km²
Carchi182,719 inhabitants3,750 km²
Chimborazo510,935 inhabitants6,470 km²
Cotopaxi470,167 inhabitants5,985 km²
El Oro689,760 inhabitants5,817 km²
Esmeraldas617,851 inhabitants15,896 km²
Galápagos30,890 inhabitants8,010 km²
Guayas4,207,610 inhabitants16,803 km²
Imbabura457,737 inhabitants4,615 km²
Loja506,035 inhabitants10,995 km²
Los Ríos888,351 inhabitants7,151 km²
Manabí1,523,950 inhabitants18,894 km²
Morona-Santiago183,728 inhabitants23,797 km²
Napo125,538 inhabitants12,483 km²
Orellana155,453 inhabitants21,675 km²
Pastaza105,494 inhabitants29,325 km²
Pichincha3,059,971 inhabitants9,090 km²
Santa Elena375,646 inhabitants3,763 km²
Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas434,849 inhabitants4,180 km²
Sucumbíos215,499 inhabitants18,008 km²
Tungurahua570,933 inhabitants3,369 km²
Zamora-Chinchipe112,835 inhabitants10,456 km²
Zone non délimitée39,430 inhabitants775 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also