Pitcairn Islands

Official namePitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands
Name in local languagePitcairn Islands (en)
Population (ranking: 252e)50 inhabitants (2019)
Population growth0.00 % / year
Area47 km²
Density1.06 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 237e)0.001 billions $USD (2005)
GDP/capita (ranking)2,988 $USD (2005)
GDP growth0.00 % / year (2005)
Life expectancy (ranking)0.00 years (2018)
Birth rate0.00 ‰ (2018)
Fertility rate0.00 children / woman (2018)
Death rate (ranking)0.00 ‰ (2018)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)0.00 ‰ (2018)
Literacy rate100.00 % (2019)
Official languagesEnglish (Pitkern spoken)
CurrencyNew Zealand dollar ($ NZD)
HDI (ranking: n.c.)0.000 / 1 (2017)
EPI (ranking)0.00 (2018)
GovernmentBritish Overseas Territory
Head of StateQueen Elizabeth II ; Governor Laura Clarke
National Day21 April (Queen's birthday in 1926)
DemonymPitcairn Islanders
Pitcairn – petite
One of the most isolated places in the world

Pitcairn is a small archipelago belonging to the United Kingdom and whose main island is Pitcairn, the other islands being Oeno, Henderson and Ducie. Pitcairn is located 2,078 kilometers west of Easter Island, Chile, and 2,182 kilometers southeast of Tahiti, French Polynesia.


The territory benefits from an exclusive economic zone that covers nearly 560 000 km2. Pitcairn Island is the only one of the four islands to be inhabited. Isolated from the world, the territory is very sparsely populated. Its inhabitants are descendants of the Bounty mutineers and their Tahitian women.

See all related maps or articles
Urban areas (2019)
Urban areasPopulation
Adamstown50 inhabitants
See all urban areas
See also