

Official name Federative Republic of Brazil
Name in local language República Federativa do Brasil (pt)
Continent Americas
Subcontinent South America
Population (ranking: 7e) 207,750,291 inhabitants (2023)
Population growth 0.73 % / year
Area 8,510,346 km²
Density 24.41 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 10e) 1,839.758 billions $USD (2019)
GDP/capita (ranking) 8,717 $USD (2019)
GDP growth 1.10 % / year (2019)
Life expectancy (ranking) 76.97 years (2021)
Birth rate 13.79 ‰ (2021)
Fertility rate 1.76 children / woman (2021)
Death rate (ranking) 6.61 ‰ (2021)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 11.20 ‰ (2021)
Literacy rate 93.40 % (2019)
Official languages Portuguese
Currency Real (R$ BRL)
HDI (ranking: 119e) 0.754 / 1 (2021)
EPI (ranking) 60.70 (2018)
Government Federal presidential constitutional republic
Head of State President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
National Day 7 September (independence of 1822)
Demonym Brazilian
Tourists (ranking) 6,621,000 people (2018)

Brazil is a federal state of South America. It is the largest country in the subcontinent, with almost half of its total area, and the fifth largest country in the world. It’s also one of the most populated countries of the world.
It shares borders with virtually all the countries of the subcontinent: Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Venezuela and Colombia to the north, Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay to the west, Argentina and Uruguay to the south. It doesn’t have borders with Chile and Ecuador.
Most of the population is concentrated in the south-east of the country, in the urban areas of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. The latter has merged with neighboring metropolitan areas, forming one of the largest urban areas in the world with more than 36 million inhabitants.
Urban expansion is one of the main problems facing the Brazilian authorities, as it creates worrying poverty for the country’s future.

Rio de Janeiro. Photo: Jens Hausherr
Amazon River, Brazil
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Urban areas (2018)
Urban areas Population
São Paulo 36,315,721 inhabitants
Rio de Janeiro 12,699,743 inhabitants
Belo Horizonte 5,916,189 inhabitants
Brasília 4,560,505 inhabitants
Porto Alegre 4,317,508 inhabitants
Fortaleza 4,074,730 inhabitants
Recife 4,054,866 inhabitants
Salvador 3,899,533 inhabitants
Curitiba 3,615,027 inhabitants
Manaus 2,631,239 inhabitants
Goiânia 2,518,775 inhabitants
Belém 2,491,052 inhabitants
Vitória 1,951,673 inhabitants
São Luis 1,621,102 inhabitants
Natal 1,587,055 inhabitants
Joinville 1,400,128 inhabitants
Maceió 1,330,291 inhabitants
João Pessoa 1,266,463 inhabitants
Teresina 1,222,940 inhabitants
Florianópolis 1,189,947 inhabitants
Londrina 1,101,595 inhabitants
Campo Grande 1,069,420 inhabitants
Aracaju 1,052,464 inhabitants
Cuiabá 864,131 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
States Population Area
Acre 829,780 inhabitants 164,173 km²
Alagoas 3,125,254 inhabitants 27,831 km²
Amapá 774,268 inhabitants 142,471 km²
Amazonas 3,952,262 inhabitants 1,559,168 km²
Bahia 14,659,023 inhabitants 564,760 km²
Ceará 8,936,431 inhabitants 148,894 km²
Espírito Santo 3,975,100 inhabitants 46,074 km²
Federal District 2,923,369 inhabitants 5,761 km²
Goiás 6,950,976 inhabitants 340,243 km²
Maranhão 6,800,605 inhabitants 329,651 km²
Mato Grosso 3,784,239 inhabitants 903,207 km²
Mato Grosso do Sul 2,833,742 inhabitants 357,148 km²
Minas Gerais 20,732,660 inhabitants 586,514 km²
Pará 8,442,962 inhabitants 1,245,871 km²
Paraíba 4,030,961 inhabitants 56,467 km²
Paraná 11,835,379 inhabitants 199,299 km²
Pernambuco 9,051,113 inhabitants 98,068 km²
Piauí 3,270,174 inhabitants 251,755 km²
Rio de Janeiro 16,615,526 inhabitants 43,750 km²
Rio Grande do Norte 3,303,953 inhabitants 52,810 km²
Rio Grande do Sul 11,088,065 inhabitants 281,707 km²
Rondônia 1,616,379 inhabitants 237,765 km²
Roraima 634,805 inhabitants 223,645 km²
Santa Catarina 7,762,154 inhabitants 95,731 km²
São Paulo 46,024,937 inhabitants 248,219 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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