
Official nameRepublic of Panama
Name in local languageRepública de Panamá (es)
SubcontinentCentral America
Population (ranking: 132e)4,160,016 inhabitants (2018)
Population growth1.51 % / year
Area74,177 km²
Density56.08 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 77e)65.055 billions $USD (2018)
GDP/capita (ranking)15,575 $USD (2018)
GDP growth3.70 % / year (2018)
Life expectancy (ranking)78.30 years (2018)
Birth rate18.60 ‰ (2016)
Fertility rate2.40 children / woman (2015)
Death rate (ranking)4.70 ‰ (2016)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)13.90 ‰ (2016)
Literacy rate98.13 % (2015)
Official languagesSpanish
CurrencyBalboa (PAB)
HDI (ranking: 93e)0.795 / 1 (2018)
EPI (ranking)62.71 (2018)
GovernmentUnitary presidential constitutional republic
Head of StatePresident Laurentino Cortizo
National Day3 November (independence of 1903)
Tourists (ranking)1,843,000 people (2017)
Panama – petite

Panama is a state located at the southern tip of Central America, on the Isthmus of Panama. It borders Costa Rica and Colombia, and is bordered on the south by the Pacific Ocean and north by the Atlantic Ocean.
Its position of international crossroads allows it, thanks to its essential channel to the global maritime traffic, to withdraw a very large part of its wealth of its geographical situation.
The increase in recent years of global trade by boat has allowed the country to see its economic growth explode. These new riches are reinvested in infrastructure projects, roads and bridges in particular, but also concerning the famous Panama Canal.
It has greatly increased its capacity thanks to an enlargement allowing to pass larger ships. These important investments should help the country to grow its income even faster.
A wealth that should be redistributed equitably, which is not currently the case. A large part of the country (about 25%) still lives very poorly, mainly in rural areas, which are emptying in favor of shantytowns still encircling the capital Panama, which grows inordinately.

Panama city
Panama city. Photo: Wikipedia
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Urban areas (2017)
Urban areasPopulation
Panama1,986,447 inhabitants
Colón245,665 inhabitants
David195,300 inhabitants
Santiago de Veraguas98,900 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Provinces and Comarcas (indigenous regions)PopulationArea
Bocas del Toro165,622 inhabitants4,657 km²
Chiriquí456,821 inhabitants6,491 km²
Coclé261,309 inhabitants4,947 km²
Colón285,429 inhabitants4,576 km²
Darién55,753 inhabitants11,892 km²
Emberá-Wounaan (Comarque)12,284 inhabitants4,394 km²
Herrera118,551 inhabitants2,362 km²
Kuna Yala (Comarque)44,231 inhabitants2,358 km²
Los Santos95,401 inhabitants3,809 km²
Ngöbe-Buglé (Comarque)208,481 inhabitants6,814 km²
Panama1,571,810 inhabitants8,409 km²
Panama Ouest576,322 inhabitants2,880 km²
Veraguas246,121 inhabitants10,588 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also