Vatican City

Official nameVatican City State
Name in local languageStato della Città del Vaticano (it) ; Status Civitatis Vaticanæ (la)
SubcontinentEurope (outside the European Union)
Population (ranking: 250e)804 inhabitants (2017)
Population growth-0.80 % / year
Area1 km²
Density1,827.27 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 245e)0.315 billions $USD (2013)
GDP/capita (ranking)391,791 $USD (2013)
GDP growth0.00 % / year (2013)
Life expectancy (ranking)77.50 years (2016)
Birth rate0.00 ‰ (2018)
Fertility rate0.00 children / woman (2018)
Death rate (ranking)0.00 ‰ (2018)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)0.00 ‰ (2018)
Literacy rate100.00 % (2019)
Official languagesLatin, Italian, French, German
CurrencyEuro (€ EUR)
HDI (ranking: n.c.)0.000 / 1 (2017)
EPI (ranking)0.00 (2018)
GovernmentAbsolute monarchy
Head of StatePope Francis
National Day19 March (papal inauguration mass)
Tourists (ranking)3,200,000 people (2015)
Vatican – petite

The Vatican City is a country of Europe. This is the territorial support of the Holy See, enclosed in the city of Rome, capital of Italy. It is the smallest state in the world (barely 44 hectares, or 0.44 km2) and the least populated. Headquarters of the Catholic Church, it was created in 1929, by the so-called Lateran Treaty signed by Mussolini.

Place Saint-Pierre, Vatican
St. Peter’s Square, Vatican
See all related maps or articles
Urban areas (2017)
Urban areasPopulation
Vatican804 inhabitants
See all urban areas
See also