
Official nameBermuda
Name in local languageBermuda (en)
SubcontinentNorth America
Population (ranking: 217e)61,592 inhabitants (2019)
Population growth-0.05 % / year
Area53 km²
Density1,162.11 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 164e)5.574 billions $USD (2018)
GDP/capita (ranking)85,748 $USD (2018)
GDP growth-2.50 % / year (2018)
Life expectancy (ranking)81.88 years (2019)
Birth rate9.81 ‰ (2019)
Fertility rate1.59 children / woman (2019)
Death rate (ranking)8.44 ‰ (2019)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)3.40 ‰ (2016)
Literacy rate100.00 % (2019)
Official languagesEnglish
CurrencyBermudian dollar ($ BMD)
HDI (ranking: 2e)0.981 / 1 (2013)
EPI (ranking)0.00 (2018)
GovernmentBritish Overseas Territory
Head of StateQueen Elizabeth II ; Governor John Rankin
National DayLast Friday of May (Bermuda Day)
Tourists (ranking)642,400 people (2016)
Bermudes – petite
Tax and tourism paradise

Bermuda is an archipelago located in North America, an associate member of the Caribbean community and a British overseas territory. It is a tax haven and a tourist paradise. Both go hand in hand in the field of luxury, privileged target of the authorities. The small archipelago is therefore rich, very rich, and struggles to collaborate with other countries in terms of fiscal transparency, although some progress has emerged in recent years.


Yet it is completely part of the United Kingdom, of which it is an overseas territory, English politicians have good backs to shout on all roofs their hypocritical apostrophes to tax havens, they shelter more than one! And the UK is far from unique …
It must be said that local natural resources are limited, as well as the place. The archipelago is entirely urbanized, the density exceeds 1160 inhabitants per km2. This poses serious problems in terms of available resources, including freshwater, which is not found locally. In recent years, the population has started to decline, with the emigration of young people being higher than immigration, a factor aggravated by accelerated aging.

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Urban areas (2019)
Urban areasPopulation
Hamilton68,268 inhabitants
See all urban areas
See also