Sierra Leone

Official nameRepublic of Sierra Leone
Name in local languageRepublic of Sierra Leone
SubcontinentSub-Saharan Africa
Population (ranking: 102e)8,567,493 inhabitants (2021)
Population growth3.20 % / year
Area71,740 km²
Density119.42 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 180e)4.122 billions $USD (2019)
GDP/capita (ranking)528 $USD (2019)
GDP growth5.50 % / year (2019)
Life expectancy (ranking)54.30 years (2018)
Birth rate30.00 ‰ (2019)
Fertility rate4.20 children / woman (2019)
Death rate (ranking)14.50 ‰ (2015)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)75.00 ‰ (2019)
Literacy rate51.40 % (2015)
Official languagesEnglish, French spoken
CurrencyLeone (SLL)
HDI (ranking: 218e)0.452 / 1 (2019)
EPI (ranking)42.54 (2018)
GovernmentUnitary presidential constitutional republic
Head of StatePresident Julius Maada Bio
National Day27 April (independence of 1961)
DemonymSierra Leonean
Tourists (ranking)57,000 people (2018)
Sierra Leone – small
Difficult reconstruction

Sierra Leone is a West African country bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and located between Guinea and Liberia. It is one of the poorest countries in the world.

Plage en Sierra Leone
Beach in Sierra Leone

The country has been rebuilding for years on the ruins of war, which left hundreds of thousands of men without arms! The torturers’ specialty was indeed the cut of men’s arms. Thus, many men today find it impossible to work on this reconstruction. Psychological pain resulting from such treatment, sometimes inflicted by child soldiers, will continue for a long time.

Freetown, capitale du Sierra Leone
Freetown, capitale of Sierra Leone
Bidonvilles à Freetown
Slums in Freetown
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Urban areas (2017)
Urban areasPopulation
Freetown1,628,901 inhabitants
Kenema200,443 inhabitants
Bo174,369 inhabitants
Koidu128,030 inhabitants
Makeni125,970 inhabitants
Kaffu Bullom120,490 inhabitants
Yoni112,511 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Eastern1,642,370 inhabitants15,553 km²
North Western1,162,065 inhabitants8,827 km²
Northern1,346,316 inhabitants27,109 km²
Southern1,441,308 inhabitants19,694 km²
Western (Area)1,500,234 inhabitants557 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also