
Official nameGabonese Republic
Name in local languageRépublique gabonaise (fr)
SubcontinentSub-Saharan Africa
Population (ranking: 147e)2,429,555 inhabitants (2024)
Population growth2.49 % / year
Area267,667 km²
Density9.08 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 118e)20.516 billions $USD (2023)
GDP/capita (ranking)8,420 $USD (2023)
GDP growth2.30 % / year (2023)
Life expectancy (ranking)65.70 years (2023)
Birth rate30.17 ‰ (2014)
Fertility rate4.06 children / woman (2023)
Death rate (ranking)8.63 ‰ (2014)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)36.10 ‰ (2015)
Literacy rate83.18 % (2015)
Official languagesFrench
CurrencyCentral African CFA franc (XAF)
HDI (ranking: 157e)0.693 / 1 (2022)
EPI (ranking)53.10 (2024)
GovernmentMilitary junta
Head of StateTransitional President Brice Oligui Nguema
National Day12 March, 17 August (independence of 1960)
Tourists (ranking)90,000 people (2011)
Gabon – petite
A rich country with a very poor population

Gabon is a country in Central Africa. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, Congo to the south and east, Equatorial Guinea to the northwest and Cameroon to the north. Former French colony, Gabon is independent since 1960. It is crossed by the equator.

Gorille, Gabon. Parc national Moukalaba-Doudouk
Gorilla, Moukalaba-Doudouk National Park, Gabon. Photo: David Korte. Source: Wildlife Archives
Libreville, capitale du Gabon
Libreville, capitale of Gabon. Photo: Bajan28
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Urban areas (2024)
Urban areasPopulation
Libreville1,178,311 inhabitants
Port-Gentil180,101 inhabitants
Franceville (Masuku)156,844 inhabitants
Oyem86,822 inhabitants
Moanda83,911 inhabitants
Lambaréné53,913 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Estuaire1,201,448 inhabitants20,740 km²
Haut-Ogooué336,427 inhabitants36,547 km²
Moyen-Ogooué92,947 inhabitants18,535 km²
Ngounié135,270 inhabitants37,750 km²
Nyanga70,903 inhabitants21,285 km²
Ogooué-Ivindo84,907 inhabitants46,075 km²
Ogooué-Lolo88,217 inhabitants25,380 km²
Ogooué-Maritime211,335 inhabitants22,890 km²
Woleu-Ntem207,904 inhabitants38,465 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also