
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Official name Democratic Republic of the Congo
Name in local language République démocratique du Congo (fr) ; Republiki ya Kongó Demokratíki (ln)
Continent Africa
Subcontinent Sub-Saharan Africa
Population (ranking: 16e) 95,784,841 inhabitants (2019)
Population growth 3.30 % / year
Area 2,345,410 km²
Density 40.84 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 92e) 47.228 billions $USD (2018)
GDP/capita (ranking) 562 $USD (2018)
GDP growth 5.80 % / year (2018)
Life expectancy (ranking) 60.40 years (2018)
Birth rate 43.69 ‰ (2015)
Fertility rate 6.45 children / woman (2015)
Death rate (ranking) 13.27 ‰ (2015)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 88.62 ‰ (2015)
Literacy rate 63.82 % (2015)
Official languages French (lingala, kikongo, swahili and tshiluba are national languages)
Currency Congolese franc (CDF)
HDI (ranking: 217e) 0.459 / 1 (2018)
EPI (ranking) 30.41 (2018)
Government Unitary semi-presidential republic
Head of State President Félix Tshisekedi
National Day 30 June (independence from Belgium in 1960)
Demonym Congolese
Tourists (ranking) 351,000 people (2016)
A country rich in raw materials but ruined by wars

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), sometimes called Congo-Kinshasa with reference to its capital city, as opposed to Congo-Brazzaville, its northern neighbor, is a country in Central Africa. It is the most populous French-speaking country, now before France. It shares borders with many countries because of its strategic central position: Congo, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia and Angola.

The green hills of Katanga during the rainy season. Photo: Sebastien Lavoie, Wikipedia
Boulevard du 30 juin, Kinshasa. Photo: MONUSCO/Myriam Asmani
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Urban areas (2016)
Urban areas Population
Kinshasa 12,641,463 inhabitants
Mbuji-Mayi 3,367,582 inhabitants
Lubumbashi 2,096,961 inhabitants
Kisangani 1,602,144 inhabitants
Tshikapa 1,450,615 inhabitants
Kikwit 1,326,068 inhabitants
Kananga 1,271,704 inhabitants
Mwene-Ditu 1,252,469 inhabitants
Mbandaka 1,187,837 inhabitants
Goma 1,101,306 inhabitants
Kolwezi 1,078,568 inhabitants
Bukavu 1,012,053 inhabitants
Bandundu 950,683 inhabitants
Bunia 900,666 inhabitants
Butembo 898,265 inhabitants
Likasi 635,463 inhabitants
Boma 527,725 inhabitants
Kindu 453,941 inhabitants
Isiro 413,533 inhabitants
Beni 397,653 inhabitants
Matadi 347,053 inhabitants
Gbadolite 198,839 inhabitants
Zongo 132,265 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Provinces Population Area
Bas-Congo (Kongo central) 5,575,000 inhabitants 53,920 km²
Bas-Uele 1,093,845 inhabitants 148,331 km²
Équateur 1,626,606 inhabitants 103,902 km²
Haut-Katanga 3,960,945 inhabitants 132,425 km²
Haut-Lomami 2,540,127 inhabitants 108,204 km²
Haut-Uele 1,920,867 inhabitants 89,683 km²
Ituri 4,241,236 inhabitants 65,658 km²
Kasaï 3,199,891 inhabitants 95,631 km²
Kasaï-Central 2,976,806 inhabitants 59,111 km²
Kasaï-Oriental 5,475,398 inhabitants 9,545 km²
Kinshasa 12,641,463 inhabitants 9,965 km²
Kwango 1,994,036 inhabitants 89,974 km²
Kwilu 3,637,000 inhabitants 78,441 km²
Lomami 2,048,839 inhabitants 56,426 km²
Lualaba 1,677,288 inhabitants 121,308 km²
Mai-Ndombe 1,768,327 inhabitants 127,243 km²
Maniema 2,333,000 inhabitants 132,250 km²
Mongala 1,793,564 inhabitants 58,141 km²
Nord-Kivu 8,985,711 inhabitants 59,483 km²
Nord-Ubangi 1,037,000 inhabitants 56,644 km²
Sankuru 1,007,000 inhabitants 104,331 km²
Sud-Kivu 5,772,000 inhabitants 65,070 km²
Sud-Ubangi 2,744,345 inhabitants 51,648 km²
Tanganyika 2,482,009 inhabitants 134,940 km²
Tshopo 2,614,630 inhabitants 199,567 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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