

Official name Commonwealth of Australia
Name in local language Commonwealth of Australia (en)
Continent Oceania
Subcontinent Oceania
Population (ranking: 54e) 25,765,131 inhabitants (2021)
Population growth 0.90 % / year
Area 7,688,126 km²
Density 3.35 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 14e) 1,396.567 billions $USD (2019)
GDP/capita (ranking) 55,060 $USD (2019)
GDP growth 2.20 % / year (2019)
Life expectancy (ranking) 83.30 years (2018)
Birth rate 12.80 ‰ (2016)
Fertility rate 1.79 children / woman (2016)
Death rate (ranking) 6.50 ‰ (2016)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 3.10 ‰ (2016)
Literacy rate 100.00 % (2018)
Official languages English
Currency Australian dollar ($ AUD)
HDI (ranking: 13e) 0.944 / 1 (2019)
EPI (ranking) 74.12 (2018)
Government Federal parliamentary representative democracy under constitutional monarchy
Head of State Queen Elizabeth II ; Governor-General David Hurley
National Day 26 January (arrival of the first English in Sydney in 1788)
Demonym Australian
Tourists (ranking) 9,246,000 people (2018)
A Continent Island

Australia is a huge country in the southern hemisphere whose area covers most of Oceania. In addition to the island of the same name, Australia also includes Tasmania as well as other islands of the Southern Pacific and Indian Oceans. Neighboring nations include Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the French territory of New Caledonia to the northeast, New Zealand to the southeast, and the French territory of the Kerguelen Islands (TAAF) west of the Australian islands Heard and McDonald.

Ayers Rock/Uluru, Australia. Source: Most Beautiful Spots
Sydney: Opera House and Harbour Bridge
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Urban areas (2020)
Urban areas Population
Sydney 5,367,206 inhabitants
Melbourne 5,159,211 inhabitants
Brisbane 2,560,720 inhabitants
Perth 2,125,114 inhabitants
Adelaide 1,376,601 inhabitants
Gold Coast - Tweed Heads 699,552 inhabitants
Newcastle 597,840 inhabitants
Canberra 495,151 inhabitants
Sunshine Coast 384,281 inhabitants
Central Coast 344,016 inhabitants
Wollongong 314,618 inhabitants
Geelong 296,743 inhabitants
Hobart 238,834 inhabitants
Townsville 195,084 inhabitants
Cairns 168,051 inhabitants
Toowoomba 150,381 inhabitants
Darwin 147,231 inhabitants
Bendigo 113,462 inhabitants
Ballarat 111,732 inhabitants
Fraser Coast 106,712 inhabitants
Albury - Wodonga 96,436 inhabitants
Bundaberg 90,687 inhabitants
Mackay 88,304 inhabitants
Bunbury 77,783 inhabitants
Alice Springs 26,448 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
States and Territories Population Area
Australian Capital Territory 431,380 inhabitants 2,358 km²
New South Wales 8,167,532 inhabitants 800,811 km²
Northern Territory 246,500 inhabitants 1,348,094 km²
Queensland 5,184,847 inhabitants 1,730,172 km²
South Australia 1,770,591 inhabitants 984,275 km²
Tasmania 541,071 inhabitants 68,018 km²
Victoria 6,696,670 inhabitants 227,496 km²
Western Australia 2,667,130 inhabitants 2,526,646 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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