
United States

Official name United States of America
Name in local language United States of America (en)
Continent Americas
Subcontinent North America
Population (ranking: 3e) 333,102,025 inhabitants (2022)
Population growth 0.29 % / year
Area 9,629,047 km²
Density 34.59 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 1er) 22,996.100 billions $USD (2021)
GDP/capita (ranking) 69,288 $USD (2021)
GDP growth 5.67 % / year (2021)
Life expectancy (ranking) 76.10 years (2021)
Birth rate 10.90 ‰ (2020)
Fertility rate 1.64 children / woman (2020)
Death rate (ranking) 10.30 ‰ (2020)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 5.40 ‰ (2020)
Literacy rate 99.04 % (2017)
Official languages English de facto
Currency United States Dollar ($ USD)
HDI (ranking: 25e) 0.921 / 1 (2021)
EPI (ranking) 71.19 (2018)
Government Federal presidential constitutional republic
Head of State President Joe Biden
National Day July 4 (independence)
Demonym American
Tourists (ranking) 79,618,000 people (2018)

The United States of America (USA) is one of the largest and third most populous countries in the world. Located in North America, the United States (short form) is a federal constitutional republic consisting of 50 states and one district (for the capital city of Washington). The country is bordered to the north by Canada, and to the south by Mexico.

Monument Valley, Arizona, USA. Photo: Huebi
Los Angeles downtown, California, USA. Photo: Nserrano

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Urban areas (2019)
Urban areas Population
New York 22,589,036 inhabitants
Los Angeles 18,711,436 inhabitants
Chicago 9,825,325 inhabitants
Washington - Baltimore 9,814,928 inhabitants
San Francisco - San Jose 9,665,887 inhabitants
Boston 8,287,710 inhabitants
Dallas - Fort Worth 8,057,796 inhabitants
Houston 7,253,193 inhabitants
Philadelphia 7,209,620 inhabitants
Miami 6,889,936 inhabitants
Atlanta 6,853,392 inhabitants
Detroit - Windsor 5,696,911 inhabitants
San Diego - Tijuana 5,319,631 inhabitants
Phoenix 5,002,221 inhabitants
Seattle 4,903,675 inhabitants
Orlando 4,160,646 inhabitants
Minneapolis 4,027,861 inhabitants
Denver 3,617,927 inhabitants
Cleveland 3,586,918 inhabitants
Portland OR 3,259,710 inhabitants
Tampa - St. Petersburg 3,194,831 inhabitants
St. Louis 2,907,648 inhabitants
Brownsville - McAllen - Matamoros - Reynosa 2,815,896 inhabitants
Charlotte 2,797,636 inhabitants
Salt Lake City 2,641,048 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
States Population Area
Alabama 4,903,185 inhabitants 135,765 km²
Alaska 731,545 inhabitants 1,717,854 km²
Arizona 7,278,717 inhabitants 295,254 km²
Arkansas 3,017,804 inhabitants 137,732 km²
California 39,512,223 inhabitants 423,970 km²
Colorado 5,758,736 inhabitants 269,837 km²
Connecticut 3,565,287 inhabitants 14,371 km²
Delaware 973,764 inhabitants 6,542 km²
District of Columbia (D.C.) (Federal District) 705,749 inhabitants 177 km²
Florida 21,477,737 inhabitants 170,451 km²
Georgia 10,617,423 inhabitants 154,077 km²
Hawaii 1,415,872 inhabitants 28,337 km²
Idaho 1,787,065 inhabitants 216,632 km²
Illinois 12,671,821 inhabitants 149,997 km²
Indiana 6,732,219 inhabitants 94,321 km²
Iowa 3,155,070 inhabitants 145,543 km²
Kansas 2,913,314 inhabitants 213,283 km²
Kentucky 4,467,673 inhabitants 104,749 km²
Louisiana 4,648,794 inhabitants 135,382 km²
Maine 1,344,212 inhabitants 86,542 km²
Maryland 6,045,680 inhabitants 32,160 km²
Massachusetts 6,892,503 inhabitants 27,360 km²
Michigan 9,986,857 inhabitants 250,941 km²
Minnesota 5,639,632 inhabitants 225,365 km²
Mississippi 2,976,149 inhabitants 125,546 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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