

Official name Argentine Republic
Name in local language República Argentina (es)
Continent Americas
Subcontinent South America
Population (ranking: 31e) 47,067,641 inhabitants (2024)
Population growth 0.89 % / year
Area 2,780,400 km²
Density 16.93 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 21e) 632.770 billions $USD (2022)
GDP/capita (ranking) 13,686 $USD (2022)
GDP growth 52.00 % / year (2022)
Life expectancy (ranking) 78.07 years (2020)
Birth rate 16.33 ‰ (2020)
Fertility rate 2.18 children / woman (2020)
Death rate (ranking) 6.96 ‰ (2020)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 8.39 ‰ (2020)
Literacy rate 99.50 % (2023)
Official languages Spanish
Currency Peso ($ ARS)
HDI (ranking: 64e) 0.842 / 1 (2021)
EPI (ranking) 59.30 (2018)
Government Federal presidential constitutional republic
Head of State President Javier Milei
National Day 25 May (revolution of 1810)
Demonym Argentine, Argentinian
Tourists (ranking) 3,645,200 people (2022)

Argentina is a country in South America bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east, and sharing borders with Chile to the west, Bolivia and Paraguay to the north, Brazil and Uruguay to the northeast.

El Calafate, Los Glaciares National Park, Patagonia, Argentina. Photo: Gable Denims, Wildlife Archives
Congress Square, Buenos Aires, capital city of Argentina. Photo: Napoletano
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Urban areas (2022)
Urban areas Population
Buenos Aires 13,985,794 inhabitants
Córdoba 2,420,052 inhabitants
Rosario 1,750,459 inhabitants
San Miguel de Tucumán 1,059,327 inhabitants
Mendoza 1,055,679 inhabitants
Santa Fe - Paraná 961,130 inhabitants
Resistencia - Corrientes 773,371 inhabitants
Mar del Plata 682,605 inhabitants
Salta 640,520 inhabitants
San Juan 511,389 inhabitants
San Salvador de Jujuy 465,249 inhabitants
Neuquén 382,555 inhabitants
Santiago del Estero 381,602 inhabitants
Posadas 359,609 inhabitants
Bahía Blanca 335,190 inhabitants
Concordia - Salto 266,053 inhabitants
San Luis 260,295 inhabitants
San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca 239,139 inhabitants
Río Cuarto 202,840 inhabitants
Comodoro Rivadavia 186,138 inhabitants
Ushuaïa 68,686 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Provinces Population Area
Buenos Aires (Federal city) 3,121,707 inhabitants 203 km²
Buenos Aires 17,523,996 inhabitants 307,571 km²
Catamarca 429,562 inhabitants 102,602 km²
Chaco 1,129,606 inhabitants 99,633 km²
Chubut 592,621 inhabitants 224,686 km²
Córdoba 3,840,905 inhabitants 165,321 km²
Corrientes 1,212,696 inhabitants 88,199 km²
Entre Ríos 1,425,578 inhabitants 78,781 km²
Formosa 607,419 inhabitants 72,066 km²
Jujuy 811,611 inhabitants 53,219 km²
La Pampa 361,859 inhabitants 143,440 km²
La Rioja 383,865 inhabitants 89,680 km²
Mendoza 2,043,540 inhabitants 148,827 km²
Misiones 1,278,873 inhabitants 29,801 km²
Neuquén 710,814 inhabitants 94,078 km²
Río Negro 750,768 inhabitants 203,013 km²
Salta 1,441,351 inhabitants 155,488 km²
San Juan 822,853 inhabitants 89,651 km²
San Luis 542,069 inhabitants 76,748 km²
Santa Cruz 337,226 inhabitants 243,943 km²
Santa Fe 3,544,908 inhabitants 133,007 km²
Santiago del Estero 1,060,906 inhabitants 136,351 km²
Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands 185,732 inhabitants 21,263 km²
Tucumán 1,731,820 inhabitants 22,524 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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