

Official name Ukraine
Name in local language Україна (Ukrayina) (uk)
Continent Europe
Subcontinent Europe (outside the European Union)
Population (ranking: 35e) 41,167,336 inhabitants (2022)
Population growth -1.02 % / year
Area 576,468 km²
Density 71.41 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 59e) 155.499 billions $USD (2020)
GDP/capita (ranking) 3,725 $USD (2020)
GDP growth -4.00 % / year (2020)
Life expectancy (ranking) 72.00 years (2018)
Birth rate 7.80 ‰ (2020)
Fertility rate 1.51 children / woman (2014)
Death rate (ranking) 15.90 ‰ (2020)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 7.90 ‰ (2015)
Literacy rate 99.76 % (2015)
Official languages Ukrainian
Currency Ukrainian hryvnia (₴ UAH)
HDI (ranking: 101e) 0.779 / 1 (2019)
EPI (ranking) 52.87 (2018)
Government Unitary semi-presidential constitutional republic
Head of State President Volodymyr Zelensky
National Day 24 August (declaration of independence of 1991)
Demonym Ukrainian
Tourists (ranking) 14,207,000 people (2018)
A country divided in two

Ukraine is a state of Eastern Europe, the second largest in Europe after the European part of Russia (which includes 4 320 025 km2) and before France. Ukraine is bordered by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov to the south, Russia to the north and east, Belorussia to the north, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to the west and Romania and the Moldova to the southwest.

Kiev, capital city of Ukraine
Ukraine – Legislative elections results (2012)

For practical reasons, we removed the Crimea from the statistics of Ukraine, and added it to those of Russia. Crimea is de facto under the control (military and administrative) of Russia.

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Urban areas (2017)
Urban areas Population
Kiev 4,660,231 inhabitants
Kharkiv (Kharkov) 1,732,432 inhabitants
Donetsk 1,623,194 inhabitants
Dnipro (Dniepropetrovsk) 1,460,195 inhabitants
Odessa 1,008,852 inhabitants
Zaporijia (Zaporojié) 812,472 inhabitants
Kryvy Rih 805,303 inhabitants
Lviv (Lvov) 728,350 inhabitants
Kramatorsk 620,299 inhabitants
Kadïvka (Stakhanov) 550,373 inhabitants
Louhansk 543,269 inhabitants
Horlivka 502,392 inhabitants
Mykolaïv (Nikolaïev) 492,775 inhabitants
Marioupol 453,623 inhabitants
Vinnytsia (Vinnitsa) 452,474 inhabitants
Krementchouk 450,451 inhabitants
Kherson 294,941 inhabitants
Tchernihiv 293,969 inhabitants
Poltava 293,302 inhabitants
Tcherkassy 283,356 inhabitants
Khmelnytsky 269,308 inhabitants
Sievierodonetsk - Lyssytchansk 268,252 inhabitants
Soumy 267,633 inhabitants
Jytomyr 267,610 inhabitants
Tchernivtsi 266,550 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Regions Population Area
Cherkasy 1,231,207 inhabitants 20,900 km²
Chernihiv 1,033,412 inhabitants 31,865 km²
Chernivtsi 908,120 inhabitants 8,097 km²
Dnipropetrovsk 3,230,411 inhabitants 31,914 km²
Donetsk 4,244,057 inhabitants 26,517 km²
Ivano-Frankivsk 1,379,915 inhabitants 13,928 km²
Kharkiv 2,701,188 inhabitants 31,415 km²
Kherson 1,055,649 inhabitants 28,461 km²
Khmelnytskyi 1,285,267 inhabitants 20,645 km²
Kiev (Oblast) 1,734,471 inhabitants 28,131 km²
Kiev (City) 2,925,760 inhabitants 839 km²
Kirovohrad 965,756 inhabitants 24,588 km²
Luhansk 2,195,290 inhabitants 26,684 km²
Lviv 2,534,027 inhabitants 21,833 km²
Mykolaiv 1,150,126 inhabitants 24,598 km²
Odessa 2,386,516 inhabitants 33,310 km²
Poltava 1,426,828 inhabitants 28,748 km²
Rivne 1,162,763 inhabitants 20,047 km²
Sumy 1,104,529 inhabitants 23,834 km²
Ternopil 1,059,192 inhabitants 13,823 km²
Vinnytsia 1,590,357 inhabitants 26,513 km²
Volyn 1,040,954 inhabitants 20,144 km²
Zakarpattia 1,258,777 inhabitants 12,777 km²
Zaporizhia 173,948 inhabitants 27,180 km²
Zhytomyr 1,240,482 inhabitants 29,832 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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