

Official name Republic of Uzbekistan
Name in local language Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi (uz) ; Республика Узбекистан (ru)
Continent Asia
Subcontinent Central Asia
Population (ranking: 45e) 32,653,885 inhabitants (2018)
Population growth 1.70 % / year
Area 448,970 km²
Density 72.73 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 88e) 50.500 billions $USD (2018)
GDP/capita (ranking) 1,532 $USD (2018)
GDP growth 5.10 % / year (2018)
Life expectancy (ranking) 71.60 years (2018)
Birth rate 22.80 ‰ (2016)
Fertility rate 2.46 children / woman (2016)
Death rate (ranking) 4.90 ‰ (2016)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 10.70 ‰ (2016)
Literacy rate 100.00 % (2018)
Official languages Uzbek
Currency Uzbekistani soʻm (UZS)
HDI (ranking: 145e) 0.710 / 1 (2018)
EPI (ranking) 45.88 (2018)
Government Unitary presidential constitutional republic (dictatorship de facto)
Head of State President Shavkat Mirziyoyev
National Day 31 August (independence of 1991)
Demonym Uzbek
Tourists (ranking) 2,157,700 people (2016)
Huge resources that do not benefit the population

Uzbekistan is a state of Central Asia, former Soviet republic of the USSR, independent since 31 August 1991. It shares borders with Kazakhstan to the north and west, Kyrgyzstan to the east, Tajikistan to the east and south, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan to the south.

The Registan and its three Medersas, old town of Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Photo: Ekrem Canli
Boats Cemetery, Aral Sea. Photo: Zhanat Kulenov
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Urban areas (2016)
Urban areas Population
Tachkent 3,423,283 inhabitants
Namangan 760,331 inhabitants
Samarcande 698,729 inhabitants
Andijan 650,002 inhabitants
Ferghana - Marguilan 613,684 inhabitants
Karchi 272,740 inhabitants
Boukhara 268,195 inhabitants
Noukous 267,515 inhabitants
Kokand 240,114 inhabitants
Navoï 174,632 inhabitants
Djizak 172,947 inhabitants
Termez 168,894 inhabitants
Ourguentch 163,414 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Provinces (viloyat) Population Area
Andijan 2,910,500 inhabitants 4,300 km²
Boukhara 1,815,200 inhabitants 40,320 km²
Djizak 1,276,100 inhabitants 21,400 km²
Ferghana 3,505,300 inhabitants 6,760 km²
Kachkadaria 3,025,600 inhabitants 28,600 km²
Karakalpakistan (République) 1,791,100 inhabitants 166,600 km²
Khorezm 1,746,900 inhabitants 6,050 km²
Namangan 2,603,400 inhabitants 7,440 km²
Navoï 927,900 inhabitants 110,990 km²
Samarcande 3,583,900 inhabitants 16,770 km²
Sourkhan-Daria 2,411,500 inhabitants 20,100 km²
Syr-Daria 790,600 inhabitants 4,300 km²
Tachkent (Ville) 2,393,200 inhabitants 335 km²
Tachkent 2,794,100 inhabitants 15,600 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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