

Official name Italian Republic
Name in local language Repubblica italiana (it)
Continent Europe
Subcontinent European Union
Population (ranking: 24e) 58,983,122 inhabitants (2022)
Population growth -0.43 % / year
Area 302,072 km²
Density 195.26 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 9e) 2,099.880 billions $USD (2021)
GDP/capita (ranking) 35,551 $USD (2021)
GDP growth 6.60 % / year (2021)
Life expectancy (ranking) 82.40 years (2020)
Birth rate 7.00 ‰ (2020)
Fertility rate 1.30 children / woman (2018)
Death rate (ranking) 12.00 ‰ (2020)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 3.30 ‰ (2016)
Literacy rate 99.15 % (2015)
Official languages Italian
Currency Euro (€ EUR)
HDI (ranking: 39e) 0.895 / 1 (2021)
EPI (ranking) 76.96 (2018)
Government Unitary constitutional parliamentary republic
Head of State President Sergio Mattarella ; Prime Minister Mario Draghi
National Day 2 June (Republic of 1946)
Demonym Italian
Tourists (ranking) 58,253,000 people (2017)
Italian demographics remain very weak

Italy is a country of Southern Europe. It consists of a peninsula located in the center of the Mediterranean Sea and island parts formed by the two largest islands of this sea, Sicily and Sardinia, and several other smaller islands. It shares borders with France to the north-west, Switzerland and Austria to the north, Slovenia to the north-east. It hosts two small landlocked states: the Vatican, located in the heart of its capital Rome, and San Marino, located in the north-central of the country.

Chianti winery, Tuscany, Italy. Photo: Francesco Sgroi
Grand Canal, Venice, Italy. Source: Wildlife Archives
Vernazza, Italy. Source: Most Beautiful Spots
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Urban areas (2014)
Urban areas Population
Milan (Milano) 8,247,125 inhabitants
Naples (Napoli) 4,434,136 inhabitants
Rome (Roma) 4,340,474 inhabitants
Turin (Torino) 2,282,197 inhabitants
Florence (Firenze) 1,558,434 inhabitants
Palerme (Palermo) 1,271,406 inhabitants
Brescia 1,264,105 inhabitants
Bari 1,263,820 inhabitants
Catane (Catania) 1,115,535 inhabitants
Bologne (Bologna) 1,005,831 inhabitants
Padoue (Padova) 936,887 inhabitants
Vérone (Verona) 922,383 inhabitants
Trévise (Treviso) 885,447 inhabitants
Vicence (Vicenza) 867,314 inhabitants
Venise (Venezia) 855,696 inhabitants
Gênes (Genova) 854,099 inhabitants
Modène (Modena) 701,642 inhabitants
Messine (Messina) 640,675 inhabitants
Tarente (Taranto) 586,061 inhabitants
Cagliari 561,289 inhabitants
Reggio de Calabre (Reggio di Calabria) 555,836 inhabitants
Reggio d'Émilie (Reggio nell'Emilia) 532,872 inhabitants
Parme (Parma) 447,779 inhabitants
La Spezia 418,725 inhabitants
Brindisi 398,661 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Regions Population Area
Abruzzes 1,322,760 inhabitants 10,763 km²
Basilicate 571,409 inhabitants 9,992 km²
Calabre 1,966,649 inhabitants 15,079 km²
Campanie 5,841,750 inhabitants 13,590 km²
Émilie-Romagne 4,446,929 inhabitants 22,446 km²
Frioul-Vénétie julienne 1,218,159 inhabitants 7,844 km²
Latium 5,891,545 inhabitants 17,207 km²
Ligurie 1,566,307 inhabitants 5,421 km²
Lombardie 10,011,861 inhabitants 23,863 km²
Marches 1,539,277 inhabitants 9,366 km²
Molise 310,850 inhabitants 4,438 km²
Ombrie 889,695 inhabitants 8,456 km²
Piémont 4,395,363 inhabitants 25,402 km²
Pouilles 4,067,294 inhabitants 19,358 km²
Sardaigne 1,654,796 inhabitants 24,090 km²
Sicile 5,057,247 inhabitants 25,709 km²
Toscane 3,742,589 inhabitants 22,994 km²
Trentin-Haut-Adige (Région autonome) 1,061,046 inhabitants 13,607 km²
Vallée d'Aoste 126,832 inhabitants 3,263 km²
Vénétie 4,907,408 inhabitants 18,399 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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