

Official name Republic of Indonesia
Name in local language Republik Indonesia (id)
Continent Asia
Subcontinent Southeast Asia
Population (ranking: 4e) 268,674,755 inhabitants (2019)
Population growth 1.36 % / year
Area 1,913,579 km²
Density 140.40 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 16e) 1,042.173 billions $USD (2018)
GDP/capita (ranking) 3,894 $USD (2018)
GDP growth 5.20 % / year (2018)
Life expectancy (ranking) 71.50 years (2018)
Birth rate 16.40 ‰ (2016)
Fertility rate 2.13 children / woman (2016)
Death rate (ranking) 6.40 ‰ (2016)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 23.50 ‰ (2016)
Literacy rate 99.72 % (2015)
Official languages Indonesian
Currency Indonesian rupiah (IDR)
HDI (ranking: 147e) 0.707 / 1 (2018)
EPI (ranking) 46.92 (2018)
Government Unitary presidential constitutional republic
Head of State President Joko Widodo
National Day August 17 (independence proclaimed in 1945, recognized in 1949)
Demonym Indonesian
Tourists (ranking) 15,806,191 people (2018)

Indonesia is a transcontinental country of Southeast Asia and Oceania. It is the largest archipelago in the world, with 16,056 islands (officially in 2017), of which 6,000 are inhabited. All the islands of this immense archipelagic state have not yet been inventoried, let alone named. It is estimated that there would be about 18,000 in all, and the country is doing its utmost to complete the census by the end of 2018, as required by the United Nations.
Indonesia is the junction between Southeast Asia and Australia in Oceania. It shares maritime and land borders with Malaysia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea, maritime with Singapore, the Philippines, and Australia.

Jakarta, capital city of Indonesia and one of the largest cities in the world
Indonesia – Semeru and Bromo Mountains in East Java, witnessing volcanic activity on the Island. Photo: Thomas Hirsch
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Urban areas (2019)
Urban areas Population
Jakarta (Jabodetabek) 35,143,473 inhabitants
Surabaya (Gerbangkertosusila) 13,319,229 inhabitants
Bandung 8,767,734 inhabitants
Semarang 7,242,987 inhabitants
Surakarta 5,984,519 inhabitants
Medan 5,189,241 inhabitants
Yogyakarta 4,010,436 inhabitants
Malang 2,795,209 inhabitants
Palembang 2,541,847 inhabitants
Cirebon 2,541,830 inhabitants
Macassar (Ujung Pandang) 2,225,048 inhabitants
Denpasar 2,223,070 inhabitants
Banjarmasin 1,904,427 inhabitants
Bandar Lampung 1,482,960 inhabitants
Batam 1,336,252 inhabitants
Mataram 1,265,090 inhabitants
Tegal 1,233,433 inhabitants
Samarinda 1,037,300 inhabitants
Padang 1,000,096 inhabitants
Balikpapan 852,046 inhabitants
Banda Aceh 513,698 inhabitants
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Administrative divisions
Provinces Population Area
Aceh 5,255,490 inhabitants 57,956 km²
Bali 4,270,713 inhabitants 5,780 km²
Banten 12,621,052 inhabitants 9,663 km²
Bengkulu 1,950,395 inhabitants 19,919 km²
Gorontalo 1,220,247 inhabitants 11,257 km²
Îles Bangka Belitung (Kepulauan Bangka Belitung) 1,448,167 inhabitants 16,424 km²
Îles Riau (Kepulauan Riau) 2,136,364 inhabitants 8,202 km²
Jakarta 10,553,117 inhabitants 664 km²
Jambi 3,552,040 inhabitants 50,058 km²
Java central (Jawa Tengah) 34,359,260 inhabitants 32,801 km²
Java occidental (Jawa Barat) 48,412,614 inhabitants 35,378 km²
Java oriental (Jawa Timur) 39,434,273 inhabitants 47,800 km²
Kalimantan central (Kalimantan Tengah) 2,705,752 inhabitants 153,565 km²
Kalimantan du Nord (Kalimantan Utara) 827,587 inhabitants 75,468 km²
Kalimantan du Sud (Kalimantan Selatan) 4,165,842 inhabitants 38,744 km²
Kalimantan occidental (Kalimantan Barat) 4,977,277 inhabitants 147,307 km²
Kalimantan oriental (Kalimantan Timur) 3,822,145 inhabitants 129,067 km²
Lampung 8,345,645 inhabitants 34,624 km²
Moluques (Maluku) 1,760,308 inhabitants 46,914 km²
Moluques du Nord (Maluku Utara) 1,314,647 inhabitants 31,983 km²
Papouasie (Papua) 3,306,386 inhabitants 319,036 km²
Papouasie occidentale (Papua Barat) 930,150 inhabitants 99,672 km²
Petites îles de la Sonde occidentales (Nusa Tenggara Barat) 4,991,094 inhabitants 18,572 km²
Petites îles de la Sonde orientales (Nusa Tenggara Timur) 5,631,675 inhabitants 48,718 km²
Riau 6,769,939 inhabitants 87,024 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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