

Official name Republic of Chile
Name in local language República de Chile (es)
Continent Americas
Subcontinent South America
Population (ranking: 63e) 19,828,563 inhabitants (2022)
Population growth 0.76 % / year
Area 756,950 km²
Density 26.20 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 45e) 252.940 billions $USD (2020)
GDP/capita (ranking) 13,232 $USD (2020)
GDP growth -5.80 % / year (2020)
Life expectancy (ranking) 81.20 years (2022)
Birth rate 12.00 ‰ (2022)
Fertility rate 1.40 children / woman (2019)
Death rate (ranking) 5.70 ‰ (2019)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 7.20 ‰ (2015)
Literacy rate 97.51 % (2015)
Official languages Spanish
Currency Peso (CLP)
HDI (ranking: 57e) 0.851 / 1 (2019)
EPI (ranking) 57.49 (2018)
Government Unitary presidential constitutional republic
Head of State President Gabriel Boric
National Day 18 September (Government Junta of Chile, 1810)
Demonym Chilean
Tourists (ranking) 5,723,000 people (2018)

Chile is a country in South America whose territory forms a narrow band from the Atacama Desert in the north to Cape Horn in the far south. It shares borders with Peru to the north, Bolivia to the northeast and Argentina to the east.

San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Santiago – panorama. Photo: Wikipedia
Santiago, capital of Chile. Photo: Rawderson Rangel

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Urban areas (2016)
Urban areas Population
Santiago 8,310,984 inhabitants
Valparaiso 1,132,086 inhabitants
Concepción 1,127,682 inhabitants
Coquimbo 457,820 inhabitants
Antofagasta 384,065 inhabitants
Temuco 379,397 inhabitants
Iquique 318,042 inhabitants
Puerto Montt 289,412 inhabitants
Arica 239,710 inhabitants
Talca 234,760 inhabitants
Rancagua 234,048 inhabitants
Los Ángeles 196,454 inhabitants
Copiapó 193,054 inhabitants
Chillán 180,348 inhabitants
Calama 179,200 inhabitants
Valdivia 169,735 inhabitants
Osorno 157,855 inhabitants
Curicó 145,344 inhabitants
Punta Arenas 128,810 inhabitants
Ovalle 121,868 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Regions Population Area
Antofagasta - II 709,637 inhabitants 126,049 km²
Araucanía - IX 1,024,029 inhabitants 32,472 km²
Arica and Parinacota - XV 257,722 inhabitants 16,873 km²
Atacama - III 318,004 inhabitants 75,176 km²
Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo - XI 108,047 inhabitants 107,153 km²
Biobío - VIII 1,676,269 inhabitants 23,890 km²
Coquimbo - IV 858,769 inhabitants 39,647 km²
Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins - VI 1,009,552 inhabitants 15,950 km²
Los Lagos - X 902,510 inhabitants 69,039 km²
Los Ríos - XIV 409,559 inhabitants 18,429 km²
Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica - XII 175,984 inhabitants 126,456 km²
Maule - VII 1,153,043 inhabitants 30,296 km²
Ñuble - XVI 517,060 inhabitants 13,178 km²
Santiago Metropolitan Region - RM (XIII) 8,310,984 inhabitants 15,782 km²
Tarapacá - I 396,697 inhabitants 58,073 km²
Valparaíso - V 1,995,538 inhabitants 16,396 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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