

Official name Romania
Name in local language România (ro)
Continent Europe
Subcontinent European Union
Population (ranking: 64e) 19,524,125 inhabitants (2018)
Population growth -0.61 % / year
Area 238,391 km²
Density 81.90 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 49e) 239.553 billions $USD (2018)
GDP/capita (ranking) 12,301 $USD (2018)
GDP growth 4.10 % / year (2018)
Life expectancy (ranking) 75.90 years (2018)
Birth rate 9.00 ‰ (2016)
Fertility rate 1.34 children / woman (2016)
Death rate (ranking) 11.90 ‰ (2016)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 9.60 ‰ (2016)
Literacy rate 98.77 % (2015)
Official languages Romanian (french, german, hungarian spoken)
Currency Romanian Leu (RON)
HDI (ranking: 77e) 0.816 / 1 (2018)
EPI (ranking) 64.78 (2018)
Government Unitary semi-presidential republic
Head of State President Klaus Iohannis
National Day 1st December (Great Union in 1918)
Demonym Romanian
Tourists (ranking) 2,760,000 people (2017)
Strong decline of the population since 20 years

Romania is an Eastern European state, the 7th most populous country in the European Union and the 9th largest in terms of area. It borders Hungary to the west, Ukraine and Moldova to the north and east, Bulgaria to the south and Serbia to the southwest.

Iron Gates on the Danube River, Romania. Photo: Cornelius Bechtler
Bucegi Mountains, Carpathian Mountains, Romania. Photo: Wikipedia
Bucharest, capital city of Romania. Photo: Ciprian
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Urban areas (2014)
Urban areas Population
Bucharest 2,395,515 inhabitants
Iași 464,711 inhabitants
Constanța 419,968 inhabitants
Brașov 398,220 inhabitants
Cluj-Napoca 375,908 inhabitants
Timișoara 357,513 inhabitants
Craiova 326,498 inhabitants
Galați 323,318 inhabitants
Ploiești 295,314 inhabitants
Oradea 239,243 inhabitants
Bacău 222,854 inhabitants
Brăila 219,919 inhabitants
Pitești 215,577 inhabitants
Sibiu 208,778 inhabitants
Arad 204,940 inhabitants
Baia Mare 182,269 inhabitants
Buzău 161,311 inhabitants
Botoșani 144,389 inhabitants
Piatra Neamț 131,242 inhabitants
Drobeta-Turnu Severin 127,753 inhabitants
Focșani 125,609 inhabitants
Alba Iulia 109,429 inhabitants
Bistrița 108,488 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Departments (Județe) Population Area
Alba 381,538 inhabitants 6,242 km²
Arad 474,341 inhabitants 7,754 km²
Argeș 647,264 inhabitants 6,862 km²
Bacău 747,031 inhabitants 6,621 km²
Bihor 619,441 inhabitants 7,544 km²
Bistrița-Năsăud 329,076 inhabitants 5,355 km²
Botoșani 456,941 inhabitants 4,986 km²
Brăila 357,752 inhabitants 4,766 km²
Brașov 630,126 inhabitants 5,363 km²
Bucarest (Municipalité) 2,100,519 inhabitants 228 km²
Buzău 480,552 inhabitants 6,103 km²
Călărași 318,097 inhabitants 5,088 km²
Caraș-Severin 329,286 inhabitants 8,514 km²
Cluj 721,136 inhabitants 6,674 km²
Constanța 769,666 inhabitants 7,071 km²
Covasna 228,970 inhabitants 3,710 km²
Dâmbovița 529,058 inhabitants 4,054 km²
Dolj 701,461 inhabitants 7,414 km²
Galați 632,452 inhabitants 4,466 km²
Giurgiu 277,239 inhabitants 3,526 km²
Gorj 367,262 inhabitants 5,602 km²
Harghita 333,921 inhabitants 6,639 km²
Hunedoara 471,613 inhabitants 7,063 km²
Ialomița 294,410 inhabitants 4,453 km²
Iași 912,774 inhabitants 5,476 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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