

Official name United Mexican States
Name in local language Estados Unidos Mexicanos (es)
Continent Americas
Subcontinent North America
Population (ranking: 10e) 129,100,565 inhabitants (2020)
Population growth 1.40 % / year
Area 1,964,375 km²
Density 65.72 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 15e) 1,258.287 billions $USD (2019)
GDP/capita (ranking) 9,863 $USD (2019)
GDP growth -0.10 % / year (2019)
Life expectancy (ranking) 75.00 years (2018)
Birth rate 19.00 ‰ (2016)
Fertility rate 2.20 children / woman (2016)
Death rate (ranking) 5.00 ‰ (2016)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 13.00 ‰ (2016)
Literacy rate 95.14 % (2015)
Official languages Spanish
Currency Peso (MXN)
HDI (ranking: 107e) 0.767 / 1 (2018)
EPI (ranking) 59.69 (2018)
Government Federal presidential constitutional republic
Head of State President Andrés Manuel López Obrador
National Day 16 September (independence of 1810)
Demonym Mexican
Tourists (ranking) 45,024,453 people (2019)

Mexico is a federal republic composed of 32 states straddling North America and Central America (Isthmus of Tehuantepec). His full name is United States of Mexico. It shares borders with the United States to the north, Belize and Guatemala to the south.
Its capital, Mexico City, is one of the largest cities in the world, with 21 million inhabitants. In recent years, the growth of this huge agglomeration has slowed down, but the health situation in most neighborhoods is deplorable. The vast urban area of Mexico City, from Toluca in the west to Puebla in the east, has a population of about 32 million.

Mexico City, Mexico

Colima volcano in eruption, Mexico. Photo: Sergio Tapiro

Mexico – Age structure (2015). Source: Inegi
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Urban areas (2020)
Urban areas Population
México 21,634,279 inhabitants
Guadalajara 5,265,099 inhabitants
Monterrey 5,228,659 inhabitants
Puebla-Tlaxcala 3,169,357 inhabitants
Toluca 2,408,412 inhabitants
San Diego - Tijuana (Mexican part) 1,981,301 inhabitants
León 1,942,677 inhabitants
Querétaro 1,519,622 inhabitants
El Paso - Ciudad Juárez (Mexican part) 1,455,923 inhabitants
Brownsville - McAllen - Matamoros - Reynosa (Mexican part) 1,438,035 inhabitants
La Laguna - Torreón 1,410,660 inhabitants
San Luis Potosí 1,261,799 inhabitants
Mérida 1,237,458 inhabitants
Aguascalientes 1,175,495 inhabitants
Saltillo 1,045,009 inhabitants
Cuernavaca 1,043,800 inhabitants
Mexicali 1,038,837 inhabitants
Veracruz 1,015,432 inhabitants
Hermosillo 1,010,273 inhabitants
Morelia 1,006,877 inhabitants
Chihuahua 989,312 inhabitants
Tampico 982,856 inhabitants
Culiacán 951,443 inhabitants
Acapulco 909,373 inhabitants
Tuxtla Gutiérrez 899,203 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
States (federal entities) Population Area
Aguascalientes 1,312,544 inhabitants 5,618 km²
Baja California 3,578,561 inhabitants 71,446 km²
Basse-Californie du Sud 712,029 inhabitants 73,475 km²
Campeche 899,931 inhabitants 57,925 km²
Chiapas 5,217,908 inhabitants 73,289 km²
Chihuahua 3,765,325 inhabitants 247,455 km²
Coahuila 2,954,915 inhabitants 151,563 km²
Colima 711,235 inhabitants 5,625 km²
Durango 1,754,754 inhabitants 123,451 km²
Guanajuato 5,853,677 inhabitants 30,608 km²
Guerrero 3,533,251 inhabitants 63,621 km²
Hidalgo 2,858,359 inhabitants 20,842 km²
Jalisco 7,844,830 inhabitants 78,609 km²
Mexico (État) 16,187,608 inhabitants 22,357 km²
Michoacán 4,584,471 inhabitants 58,643 km²
Morelos 1,903,811 inhabitants 4,893 km²
Nayarit 1,181,050 inhabitants 27,815 km²
Nouveau León (Nuevo León) 5,119,504 inhabitants 64,220 km²
Oaxaca 3,967,889 inhabitants 93,793 km²
Puebla 6,168,883 inhabitants 34,290 km²
Querétaro 2,038,372 inhabitants 11,684 km²
Quintana Roo 1,501,562 inhabitants 42,361 km²
San Luis Potosí 2,717,820 inhabitants 60,982 km²
Sinaloa 2,966,321 inhabitants 57,377 km²
Sonora 2,850,330 inhabitants 179,503 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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