

Official name Republic of Estonia
Name in local language Eesti Vabariik (et)
Continent Europe
Subcontinent European Union
Population (ranking: 161e) 1,319,133 inhabitants (2018)
Population growth 0.27 % / year
Area 45,336 km²
Density 29.10 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 104e) 30.285 billions $USD (2018)
GDP/capita (ranking) 22,928 $USD (2018)
GDP growth 3.90 % / year (2018)
Life expectancy (ranking) 78.60 years (2018)
Birth rate 10.47 ‰ (2017)
Fertility rate 1.60 children / woman (2016)
Death rate (ranking) 11.80 ‰ (2017)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 2.30 ‰ (2017)
Literacy rate 100.00 % (2018)
Official languages Estonian
Currency Euro (€ EUR)
HDI (ranking: 45e) 0.882 / 1 (2018)
EPI (ranking) 64.31 (2018)
Government Unitary parliamentary republic
Head of State Presidente Kersti Kaljulaid
National Day 24 February (independence of 1918)
Demonym Estonian
Tourists (ranking) 3,245,000 people (2017)

Estonia is a northern European country and a member state of the European Union, located on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea and southern Gulf of Finland. The country is bordered on the north by the Gulf of Finland, on the west by Sweden, on the south by Latvia and on the east by Russia. This country is generally grouped with Latvia and Lithuania in a geopolitical set called Baltic countries.

Karula National Park, Estonia. Photo: Amadvr
Tallinn, capitale of Estonia. Photo: Terker
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Urban areas (2017)
Urban areas Population
Tallinn 582,556 inhabitants
Tartu 145,550 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Regions/Counties (Maakonnad) Population Area
Harju 582,556 inhabitants 4,333 km²
Hiiu 9,335 inhabitants 989 km²
Järva 30,379 inhabitants 2,623 km²
Jõgeva 30,840 inhabitants 2,604 km²
Ouest (Lääne) 24,301 inhabitants 2,383 km²
Pärnu 82,535 inhabitants 4,807 km²
Põlva 27,963 inhabitants 2,165 km²
Rapla 34,085 inhabitants 2,980 km²
Saare 33,307 inhabitants 2,673 km²
Tartu 145,550 inhabitants 2,993 km²
Valga 30,084 inhabitants 2,044 km²
Viljandi 47,288 inhabitants 3,422 km²
Viru occidental (Lääne-Viru) 58,855 inhabitants 3,627 km²
Viru oriental (Ida-Viru) 143,880 inhabitants 3,364 km²
Võru 33,505 inhabitants 2,305 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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