

Official name Kingdom of Belgium
Name in local language Royaume de Belgique (fr) ; Koninkrijk België (nl) ; Königreich Belgien (de)
Continent Europe
Subcontinent European Union
Population (ranking: 84e) 11,431,406 inhabitants (2019)
Population growth 0.49 % / year
Area 30,688 km²
Density 372.50 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 25e) 531.767 billions $USD (2018)
GDP/capita (ranking) 46,556 $USD (2018)
GDP growth 1.40 % / year (2018)
Life expectancy (ranking) 81.50 years (2018)
Birth rate 10.50 ‰ (2017)
Fertility rate 1.64 children / woman (2017)
Death rate (ranking) 9.60 ‰ (2016)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 3.30 ‰ (2015)
Literacy rate 100.00 % (2018)
Official languages Dutch, French, German
Currency Euro (€ EUR)
HDI (ranking: 26e) 0.919 / 1 (2018)
EPI (ranking) 77.38 (2018)
Government Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Head of State King Philippe
National Day 21 July (Constitutional oath of Leopold I in 1831)
Demonym Belgian
Tourists (ranking) 8,358,000 people (2017)

Belgium is a country in Western Europe, bordered by France to the south, the Netherlands to the north, Germany and Luxembourg to the east, and the North Sea to the west. It is one of the six founding countries of the European Union and hosts, in its capital Brussels, the main institutions (the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission), as well as those of other international organizations as important as NATO.

Atomium, Brussels
Grand Place, Brussels
Liège, Belgium
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Urban areas (2014)
Urban areas Population
Brussels (Bruxelles - Brussel) 2,967,513 inhabitants
Antwerp (Antwerpen - Anvers) 1,245,828 inhabitants
Liège (Luik) 794,488 inhabitants
Ghent (Gent - Gand) 705,949 inhabitants
Charleroi 464,703 inhabitants
Namur (Namen) 259,022 inhabitants
Mons (Bergen) 254,474 inhabitants
Leuven (Louvain) 254,396 inhabitants
Brugge (Bruges) 253,221 inhabitants
Hasselt-Genk 248,651 inhabitants
Kortrijk (Courtrai) 235,009 inhabitants
Mechelen (Malines) 161,304 inhabitants
Turnhout 155,136 inhabitants
Sint-Niklaas (Saint-Nicolas) 152,756 inhabitants
Ostend (Ostende - Oostende) 129,332 inhabitants
Tournai (Doornik) 112,146 inhabitants
Verviers 107,139 inhabitants
Roeselare (Roulers) 103,301 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Regions Population Area
Brussels 1,208,542 inhabitants 162 km²
Flanders 6,589,069 inhabitants 13,624 km²
Wallonia 3,633,795 inhabitants 16,901 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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