
South Korea

Drapeau Corée du Sud

Drapeau Corée du Sud

Drapeau Corée du Sud

Official name Republic of Korea
Name in local language 대한민국 ; 大韓民國 ; Daehan Minguk (ko)
Continent Asia
Subcontinent East Asia
Population (ranking: 27e) 51,628,117 inhabitants (2022)
Population growth -0.15 % / year
Area 100,356 km²
Density 515.22 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 12e) 1,637.896 billions $USD (2020)
GDP/capita (ranking) 31,598 $USD (2020)
GDP growth -0.90 % / year (2020)
Life expectancy (ranking) 83.50 years (2020)
Birth rate 5.20 ‰ (2022)
Fertility rate 0.81 children / woman (2021)
Death rate (ranking) 7.40 ‰ (2022)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 2.70 ‰ (2019)
Literacy rate 100.00 % (2022)
Official languages Korean
Currency Won (₩ KRW)
HDI (ranking: 32e) 0.916 / 1 (2019)
EPI (ranking) 62.30 (2018)
Government Unitary presidential constitutional republic
Head of State President Yoon Seok-youl
National Day 15 August
Demonym South Korean
Tourists (ranking) 15,347,000 people (2018)

South Korea is an East Asian country that covers the southern half of the Korean peninsula. Its only land border is North, with North Korea. It is located in the North Sea of China, between China and Japan, of which it is a former colony.

Seoul, capital city of South Korea
Quiet morning garden, Achim Goyo, in Sang-Myun, province of Gyeonggi, South Korea
Seoul at night, South Korea
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Urban areas (2018)
Urban areas Population
Seoul 26,000,782 inhabitants
Busan 8,050,434 inhabitants
Daegu 3,384,253 inhabitants
Daejeon 2,037,823 inhabitants
Gwangju 1,694,454 inhabitants
Ulsan 1,516,703 inhabitants
Jeonju 1,042,484 inhabitants
Cheongju 846,650 inhabitants
Pohang 784,645 inhabitants
Suncheon 724,270 inhabitants
Cheonan 630,100 inhabitants
Jeju 469,279 inhabitants
Jinju 454,081 inhabitants
Gumi 420,320 inhabitants
Mokpo 238,450 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Provinces Population Area
Busan (Ville métropolitaine) 3,498,529 inhabitants 763 km²
Chungcheong du Nord 1,591,625 inhabitants 7,432 km²
Chungcheong du Sud 2,096,727 inhabitants 8,205 km²
Daegu (Ville métropolitaine) 2,484,557 inhabitants 884 km²
Daejeon (Ville métropolitaine) 1,514,370 inhabitants 540 km²
Gangwon 1,550,806 inhabitants 16,875 km²
Gwangju (Ville métropolitaine) 1,469,214 inhabitants 501 km²
Gyeonggi 12,716,780 inhabitants 10,184 km²
Gyeongsang du Nord 2,700,398 inhabitants 19,026 km²
Gyeongsang du Sud 3,373,871 inhabitants 10,531 km²
Incheon (Ville métropolitaine) 3,002,645 inhabitants 1,050 km²
Jeju (Province spéciale autonome) 641,597 inhabitants 1,849 km²
Jeolla du Nord 1,864,791 inhabitants 8,067 km²
Jeolla du Sud 1,903,914 inhabitants 12,319 km²
Sejong (Ville spéciale autonome) 243,048 inhabitants 465 km²
Seoul (Special City) 9,930,616 inhabitants 605 km²
Ulsan (Ville métropolitaine) 1,172,304 inhabitants 1,060 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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