

Official name Federal Republic of Nigeria
Name in local language Federal Republic of Nigeria (en)
Continent Africa
Subcontinent Sub-Saharan Africa
Population (ranking: 5e) 230,844,184 inhabitants (2023)
Population growth 2.56 % / year
Area 923,768 km²
Density 249.89 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 31e) 440.834 billions $USD (2021)
GDP/capita (ranking) 2,065 $USD (2021)
GDP growth 3.60 % / year (2021)
Life expectancy (ranking) 52.70 years (2021)
Birth rate 37.40 ‰ (2019)
Fertility rate 5.32 children / woman (2019)
Death rate (ranking) 11.60 ‰ (2019)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 59.50 ‰ (2019)
Literacy rate 66.70 % (2015)
Official languages English
Currency Naira (₦ NGN)
HDI (ranking: 197e) 0.535 / 1 (2021)
EPI (ranking) 54.76 (2018)
Government Federal presidential republic
Head of State President Bola Tinubu
National Day 1st October (Republic of 1963)
Demonym Nigerian
Tourists (ranking) 1,889,000 people (2016)

Nigeria is a West African state located along the Gulf of Guinea. It is the most populous country in Africa and its first economy. It is bordered to the west by Benin, to the north by Niger and Chad, to the east by Cameroon. It also shares a maritime border with Equatorial Guinea.

Lagos, Nigeria. Source: Wikipedia
Marine slums, Lagos, Nigeria. Photo: Yann Arthus-Bertrand
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Urban areas (2014)
Urban areas Population
Lagos 22,829,561 inhabitants
Ibadan 5,881,345 inhabitants
Kano 4,956,615 inhabitants
Benin City 2,571,798 inhabitants
Port Harcourt 2,306,662 inhabitants
Kaduna 2,192,441 inhabitants
Oshogbo 2,088,527 inhabitants
Aba 1,736,361 inhabitants
Onitsha 1,708,539 inhabitants
Abuja 1,568,853 inhabitants
Ogbomosho 1,334,387 inhabitants
Maiduguri 1,182,498 inhabitants
Ilorin 1,151,986 inhabitants
Abeokuta 1,073,574 inhabitants
Warri 1,014,403 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
States Population Area
Abia 3,727,347 inhabitants 6,320 km²
Adamawa 4,248,436 inhabitants 36,917 km²
Akwa Ibom 5,482,177 inhabitants 7,081 km²
Anambra 5,527,809 inhabitants 4,844 km²
Bauchi 6,537,314 inhabitants 45,837 km²
Bayelsa 2,277,961 inhabitants 10,773 km²
Benue 5,741,815 inhabitants 34,059 km²
Borno 5,860,183 inhabitants 70,898 km²
Cross River 3,866,269 inhabitants 20,156 km²
Delta 5,663,362 inhabitants 17,698 km²
Ebonyi 2,880,383 inhabitants 5,670 km²
Edo 4,235,595 inhabitants 17,802 km²
Ekiti 3,270,798 inhabitants 6,353 km²
Enugu 4,411,119 inhabitants 7,161 km²
Gombe 3,256,962 inhabitants 18,768 km²
Imo 5,408,756 inhabitants 5,100 km²
Jigawa 5,828,163 inhabitants 23,154 km²
Kaduna 8,252,366 inhabitants 46,053 km²
Kano 13,076,892 inhabitants 20,131 km²
Katsina 7,831,319 inhabitants 24,192 km²
Kebbi 4,440,050 inhabitants 36,800 km²
Kogi 4,473,490 inhabitants 29,833 km²
Kwara 3,192,893 inhabitants 36,825 km²
Lagos 12,550,598 inhabitants 3,345 km²
Nassarawa 2,523,395 inhabitants 27,117 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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