

Official name Republic of Liberia
Name in local language Liberia (en)
Continent Africa
Subcontinent Sub-Saharan Africa
Population (ranking: 118e) 5,569,923 inhabitants (2024)
Population growth 3.00 % / year
Area 111,369 km²
Density 50.01 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 179e) 4.002 billions $USD (2022)
GDP/capita (ranking) 755 $USD (2022)
GDP growth 4.80 % / year (2022)
Life expectancy (ranking) 63.70 years (2018)
Birth rate 33.90 ‰ (2016)
Fertility rate 4.60 children / woman (2016)
Death rate (ranking) 9.50 ‰ (2016)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 65.80 ‰ (2016)
Literacy rate 59.90 % (2022)
Official languages English
Currency Liberian dollar ($ LRD) ; United States dollar ($ USD, de facto)
HDI (ranking: 211e) 0.481 / 1 (2021)
EPI (ranking) 41.62 (2018)
Government Unitary presidential constitutional republic
Head of State President Joseph Boakai
National Day 26 July (independence of 1847)
Demonym Liberian

Liberia is a country located in West Africa, bordered on the south by the Atlantic Ocean, northwest by Sierra Leone, north by Guinea and east by Côte d’Ivoire. It was the first African nation to gain independence in 1847 (from the United States). The peculiarity of Liberia comes from the fact that it was formed from American settlers, freed black slaves. Then for a century, American-Liberians dominated the country to the detriment of natives, who were second-class citizens, with no voting rights, which created serious tensions in society.

Bushrod Island, Monrovia, Liberia
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Urban areas (2022)
Urban areas Population
Monrovia 2,225,911 inhabitants
Gbarnga 145,235 inhabitants
Kakata 123,840 inhabitants
Ganta 111,796 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Counties Population Area
Bomi 133,705 inhabitants 1,942 km²
Bong 467,561 inhabitants 8,772 km²
Gbarpolu 95,995 inhabitants 9,689 km²
Grand Bassa 293,689 inhabitants 7,936 km²
Grand Cape Mount 178,867 inhabitants 5,162 km²
Grand Gedeh 216,692 inhabitants 10,484 km²
Grand Kru 109,342 inhabitants 3,895 km²
Lofa 367,376 inhabitants 9,982 km²
Margibi 304,946 inhabitants 2,616 km²
Maryland 172,587 inhabitants 2,297 km²
Montserrado 1,920,965 inhabitants 1,909 km²
Nimba 621,841 inhabitants 11,551 km²
River Cess 90,819 inhabitants 5,594 km²
River Gee 124,653 inhabitants 5,113 km²
Sinoe 151,149 inhabitants 10,137 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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