

Official name State of Palestine - Palestinian Authority
Name in local language دولة فلسطين (ar)
Continent Asia
Subcontinent Western Asia
Population (ranking: 125e) 5,091,819 inhabitants (2018)
Population growth 2.82 % / year
Area 6,020 km²
Density 845.82 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 133e) 14.616 billions $USD (2018)
GDP/capita (ranking) 3,199 $USD (2018)
GDP growth 0.90 % / year (2018)
Life expectancy (ranking) 73.90 years (2018)
Birth rate 30.90 ‰ (2016)
Fertility rate 4.10 children / woman (2013)
Death rate (ranking) 3.50 ‰ (2016)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 18.20 ‰ (2014)
Literacy rate 96.70 % (2015)
Official languages Arabic
Currency Egyptian pound (EGP), Israeli new shekel (ILS), Jordanian dinar (JOD)
HDI (ranking: 159e) 0.690 / 1 (2018)
EPI (ranking) 0.00 (2018)
Government Unitary semi-presidential republic
Head of State President Mahmoud Abbas
National Day 15 November (1988, declaration of independence by the Palestinian National Council in exil in Alger)
Demonym Palestinian
Tourists (ranking) 503,000 people (2017)
Israeli occupation hurts Palestinian population

Palestine is a proto-state (state in formation) located in West Asia, and represented by the Palestinian National Authority. It has borders with Israel, Jordan, and Egypt. He is currently militarily occupied by Israel. Palestine is divided into two separate territories, administered separately: the Gaza Strip on one side, located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, and undergoing an almost total blockade by Israel and Egypt; the West Bank on the other, surrounded by a wall of separation from Israel, and bathed by the Dead Sea, located below sea level and having record salinity.
Despite a recent decline in population growth, the Palestinian population is still growing at a particularly high rate of around 2.8% per year.
The country, which is a self-proclaimed state recognized by 96 UN member states, currently survives under Israeli military occupation. The West Bank is dotted with Israeli settlements.
The situation created is explosive in this region of the world, especially as the Palestinian economy is asphyxiated and the unemployment made very high by the war that is prolonged.
The current negotiations are dragging on, and the peaceful solution does not seem to be the priority of both parties.

Ramallah, administrative capitale of Palestine

Jerusalem, Dome of the Rock, and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Photo: Berthold Werner

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Urban areas (2017)
Urban areas Population
Gaza 1,943,398 inhabitants
East Jerusalem (part of Jerusalem) 1,300,968 inhabitants
Hébron 229,258 inhabitants
Naplouse 182,734 inhabitants
Ramallah 90,393 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Territories Population Area
Gaza Strip 1,943,398 inhabitants 365 km²
West Bank 3,008,770 inhabitants 5,655 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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