

Official name Republic of Finland
Name in local language Suomen tasavalta (fi) ; Republiken Finland (sv)
Continent Europe
Subcontinent European Union
Population (ranking: 119e) 5,537,519 inhabitants (2019)
Population growth 0.18 % / year
Area 338,452 km²
Density 16.36 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 42e) 275.683 billions $USD (2018)
GDP/capita (ranking) 49,960 $USD (2018)
GDP growth 2.30 % / year (2018)
Life expectancy (ranking) 81.70 years (2018)
Birth rate 9.10 ‰ (2017)
Fertility rate 1.57 children / woman (2016)
Death rate (ranking) 9.80 ‰ (2017)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 1.90 ‰ (2015)
Literacy rate 100.00 % (2018)
Official languages Finnish, Swedish, Sámi
Currency Euro (€ EUR)
HDI (ranking: 24e) 0.925 / 1 (2018)
EPI (ranking) 78.64 (2018)
Government Unitary parliamentary republic
Head of State President Sauli Niinistö
National Day 6 December (independence in 1917)
Demonym Finnish
Tourists (ranking) 3,181,000 people (2017)

Finland is a state of Northern Europe. It is bathed by the Baltic Sea, with the Gulf of Bothnia to the west and the Gulf of Finland to the south. Comprising more than 3,000 lakes and island expanses, including the Åland Autonomous Archipelago, it occupies a vast territory between Russia to the east, Norway to the north and Sweden to the northwest.

Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort, Saariselkä, Finland. Source: MostBeautifulSpots on Wildlife Archives

Northern lights, Finland. Source: Most Beautiful Spots
Helsinki, capital of the Finland. Photo: Roccodm
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Urban areas (2017)
Urban areas Population
Helsinki 1,456,619 inhabitants
Tampere 398,463 inhabitants
Turku 325,340 inhabitants
Oulu 246,667 inhabitants
Lhati 201,685 inhabitants
Jyväskylä 183,050 inhabitants
Kuopio 139,508 inhabitants
Pori 134,462 inhabitants
Seinäjoki 126,894 inhabitants
Joensuu 124,735 inhabitants
Vaasa 101,372 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Regions Population Area
Åland (Province, État libre associé) 29,214 inhabitants 1,553 km²
Carélie du Nord 164,085 inhabitants 17,761 km²
Carélie du Sud 130,506 inhabitants 5,327 km²
Finlande centrale 276,196 inhabitants 16,703 km²
Finlande du Sud-Ouest 475,543 inhabitants 10,663 km²
Kainuu 74,803 inhabitants 20,197 km²
Kanta-Häme 173,781 inhabitants 5,199 km²
Laponie 180,207 inhabitants 92,674 km²
Ostrobotnie 181,441 inhabitants 7,753 km²
Ostrobotnie centrale 69,027 inhabitants 5,020 km²
Ostrobotnie du Nord 411,150 inhabitants 36,815 km²
Ostrobotnie du Sud 191,860 inhabitants 13,444 km²
Päijät-Häme 201,685 inhabitants 5,125 km²
Pirkanmaa 509,356 inhabitants 12,585 km²
Satakunta 221,740 inhabitants 7,820 km²
Savonie du Nord 247,776 inhabitants 16,768 km²
Savonie du Sud 148,975 inhabitants 14,257 km²
Uusimaa 1,638,293 inhabitants 9,097 km²
Vallée de la Kymi 177,659 inhabitants 5,149 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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