

Official name Kingdom of Sweden
Name in local language Konungariket Sverige (sv)
Continent Europe
Subcontinent European Union
Population (ranking: 89e) 10,402,070 inhabitants (2021)
Population growth 0.50 % / year
Area 528,861 km²
Density 19.67 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 24e) 537.610 billions $USD (2020)
GDP/capita (ranking) 51,926 $USD (2020)
GDP growth -2.80 % / year (2020)
Life expectancy (ranking) 82.70 years (2018)
Birth rate 11.90 ‰ (2014)
Fertility rate 1.78 children / woman (2017)
Death rate (ranking) 9.20 ‰ (2014)
Infant mortality rate (ranking) 2.41 ‰ (2017)
Literacy rate 100.00 % (2021)
Official languages Swedish
Currency Swedish krona (SEK)
HDI (ranking: 12e) 0.945 / 1 (2019)
EPI (ranking) 80.51 (2018)
Government Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Head of State King Carl XVI Gustaf
National Day 6 June
Demonym Swedish
Tourists (ranking) 7,054,000 people (2017)
10 million unhabitants

Sweden is a northern European state located in Scandinavia. It shares borders with Norway to the west, Finland to the north-east, and is separated from Denmark by the Øresund, a strait whose narrowest section is 4 kilometers wide. A bridge crosses this strait, connecting the two cities of Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, and Malmö, the third largest city in Sweden. The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. The inhabitants of the country are called Swedes. His official language and majority language is Swedish. Finnish and Sami are also spoken, mainly in the north of the country, a region occupied by Lapland, called Sápmi by its inhabitants, the Sami (or Sames), who were the first inhabitants of northern Scandinavia.

Old town of Stockholm, capitale of Sweden. Photo: Arild Vågen


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Urban areas (2021)
Urban areas Population
Stockholm 2,395,679 inhabitants
Göteborg (Gothenburg) 1,051,244 inhabitants
Malmö 749,427 inhabitants
Uppsala 234,384 inhabitants
Linköping 164,684 inhabitants
Örebro 156,295 inhabitants
Västerås 155,858 inhabitants
Helsingborg 149,407 inhabitants
Norrköping 143,599 inhabitants
Jönköping 142,630 inhabitants
Umeå 130,255 inhabitants
Borås 113,763 inhabitants
Eskilstuna 107,039 inhabitants
Halmstad 103,988 inhabitants
Gävle 102,910 inhabitants
Sundsvall 99,448 inhabitants
Växjö 94,884 inhabitants
Karlstad 94,823 inhabitants
Kristianstad 86,286 inhabitants
Luleå 78,487 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Counties Population Area
Blekinge 158,871 inhabitants 2,931 km²
Dalarna 287,839 inhabitants 28,029 km²
Gävleborg 287,530 inhabitants 18,118 km²
Gotland 60,288 inhabitants 3,135 km²
Halland 337,361 inhabitants 5,427 km²
Jämtland 131,356 inhabitants 48,935 km²
Jönköping 365,369 inhabitants 10,437 km²
Kalmar 246,152 inhabitants 11,165 km²
Kronoberg 202,274 inhabitants 8,424 km²
Norrbotten 249,505 inhabitants 97,239 km²
Örebro 305,653 inhabitants 8,504 km²
Östergötland 467,510 inhabitants 10,559 km²
Skåne 1,391,075 inhabitants 10,968 km²
Södermanland 299,641 inhabitants 6,075 km²
Stockholm 2,395,679 inhabitants 6,524 km²
Uppsala 389,491 inhabitants 8,190 km²
Värmland 282,762 inhabitants 17,519 km²
Västerbotten 273,319 inhabitants 54,665 km²
Västernorrland 244,607 inhabitants 21,549 km²
Västmanland 277,645 inhabitants 5,118 km²
Västra Götaland 1,735,879 inhabitants 23,800 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also
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