
Official nameChagos Archipelago
Name in local languageChagos Archipelago (en)
SubcontinentEast Africa
Population (ranking: 244e)4,239 inhabitants (2017)
Population growth0.00 % / year
Area56 km²
Density75.70 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: n.c.)0.000 billions $USD
GDP/capita (ranking)0 $USD
GDP growth0.00 % / year
Life expectancy (ranking)0.00 years
Birth rate0.00 ‰
Fertility rate0.00 children / woman
Death rate (ranking)0.00 ‰
Infant mortality rate (ranking)0.00 ‰
Literacy rate100.00 % (2018)
Official languagesEnglish
CurrencyPound sterling (£), United States Dollar ($USD)
HDI (ranking: n.c.)0.000 / 1
EPI (ranking)0.00
GovernmentBritish Overseas Territory
Head of StateQueen Elizabeth II ; Commissioner Ben Merrick
National Day

Chagos is an archipelago of 55 islands in seven atolls in the northern Indian Ocean, approximately 1,225 km south of Malé, Maldives, 1,775 km east of Victoria, Seychelles, North west of the Mascarene Islands, including Mauritius, which claims sovereignty. It belongs to the United Kingdom, and is administered by the British Indian Ocean Territory.

Atoll aux îles Salomons, archipel des Chagos
Salomon Islands atoll, Chagos archipelago. Photo: Anne Sheppard
Le porte-avions USS Saratoga dans la base militaire de Diego Garcia, Chagos (Décembre 1985)
The aircraft carrier USS Saratoga in the military base of Diego Garcia, Chagos (December 1985). Photo: Wikipedia
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Urban areas (2017)
Urban areasPopulation
Eclipse Point Town4,239 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Diego Garcia4,239 inhabitants33 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also