
About us

enfants qui rient
Children laughing. Photo: Jean-Pierre, vietnamjp.eklablog.com

This website is the result of a passion: Humans and the Earth. Our vocation is to inform users about the World and the people who live there, through synthetic country profiles sheets, various statistics, thematic maps and news, ad hoc articles, all in various fields related to humanity and our planet.

The sources are from human and social sciences research centers, universities, official statistical sites from countries around the World, governmental and non-governmental agencies.

We invite you to share its content on social networks and to help us promote it to the general public.

PopulationData.net is available entirely under Creative Commons license, so you are free to reuse its content according to your needs.

PopulationData.net is published with passion by Graeme Villeret, novelist, author of the books Une décennie canadienne (2016), Les morts sont des cons (2019) and Nous sommes des loups (et vous êtes la proie) (2020) and journalist, between Montreal, Canada, and Paris, France.

To contact us by email: gvilleret @ gmail . com

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