
Official nameAutonomous Region of the Azores
Name in local languageRegião Autónoma dos Açores (pt)
SubcontinentEuropean Union
Population (ranking: 195e)243,862 inhabitants (2018)
Population growth-0.39 % / year
Area2,322 km²
Density105.02 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 175e)4.220 billions $USD (2015)
GDP/capita (ranking)17,398 $USD (2015)
GDP growth2.00 % / year (2015)
Life expectancy (ranking)77.45 years (2017)
Birth rate9.40 ‰ (2014)
Fertility rate1.25 children / woman (2017)
Death rate (ranking)9.40 ‰ (2014)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)3.50 ‰ (2014)
Literacy rate95.68 % (2015)
Official languagesPortuguese
CurrencyEuro (€ EUR)
HDI (ranking: n.c.)0.000 / 1 (2017)
EPI (ranking)0.00 (2018)
GovernmentAutonomous Region of Portugal
Head of StatePresident Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
National Day10 June (death of Luís de Camões in 1580)
ISO Codes,
DemonymAzorean, Portuguese
Tourists (ranking)1,487,428 people (2016)
Portugal – Azores

The Azores are a Portuguese archipelago of nine islands located in the North Atlantic Ocean, about 1,450 km west of Lisbon. It is an autonomous region of Portugal, and an ultraperipheral region of the European Union. Its capital is Ponta Delgada. The marine surface area of the Azores is 954 496 km2, making it one of the largest exclusive economic zones (EEZs) in the European Union.

Volcan Ponta do Pico, vu depuis l'île São Jorge, Açores
Volcano Ponta do Pico, seen from island São Jorge, Azores. Photo: Björn Ehrlich
Angra do Heroismo, Açores
Angra do Heroismo, Azores. Photo: José Luís Ávila Silveira/Pedro Noronha e Costa
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Urban areas (2016)
Urban areasPopulation
Ponta Delgada127,104 inhabitants
See all urban areas
See also