South Sudan

Official nameRepublic of South Sudan
Name in local languageSouth Sudan
SubcontinentEast Africa
Population (ranking: 76e)12,864,588 inhabitants (2018)
Population growth4.01 % / year
Area644,329 km²
Density19.97 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 181e)3.618 billions $USD (2017)
GDP/capita (ranking)275 $USD (2017)
GDP growth2.00 % / year (2017)
Life expectancy (ranking)55.70 years (2014)
Birth rate36.91 ‰ (2015)
Fertility rate5.31 children / woman (2015)
Death rate (ranking)8.18 ‰ (2015)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)66.39 ‰ (2015)
Literacy rate36.70 % (2008)
Official languagesEnglish
CurrencySouth Sudanese pound (SSP)
HDI (ranking: 224e)0.413 / 1 (2018)
EPI (ranking)0.00 (2018)
GovernmentFederation under a presidential constitutional republic
Head of StatePresident Salva Kiir Mayardit
National Day9 July (independence from Sudan in 2011)
DemonymSouth Sudanese
Soudan du Sud – petite
Independence and civil war

South Sudan is a landlocked country in eastern Africa. It is bordered to the north by Sudan, from which it seceded in 2011, to the east by Ethiopia, to the south by Kenya, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and to the west by the Central African Republic.

Kapoeta, South Sudan
Kapoeta, South Sudan. Source: Wikipedia
Juba, South Sudan
Juba, South Sudan
Juba, South Sudan
Juba, South Sudan
Juba, capital of South Sudan
Juba, capital of South Sudan. Source: Wikipedia
See all related maps or articles
Urban areas (2018)
Urban areasPopulation
Juba917,910 inhabitants
Wau328,651 inhabitants
Yei315,822 inhabitants
Malakal164,479 inhabitants
Rumbek153,550 inhabitants
Yambio105,881 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Akobo0 inhabitants0 km²
Amadi0 inhabitants0 km²
Aweil0 inhabitants0 km²
Aweil East0 inhabitants0 km²
Bahr el Ghazal (Historical Province)3,006,247 inhabitants210,782 km²
Bieh0 inhabitants0 km²
Boma0 inhabitants0 km²
Central Upper Nile0 inhabitants0 km²
Eastern Lakes0 inhabitants0 km²
Equatoria (Historical Province)2,814,712 inhabitants195,848 km²
Fangak0 inhabitants0 km²
Fashoda0 inhabitants0 km²
Gbudwe0 inhabitants0 km²
Gogrial0 inhabitants0 km²
Gok0 inhabitants0 km²
Greater Upper Nile (Historical Province)3,102,594 inhabitants237,701 km²
Imatong0 inhabitants0 km²
Jonglei0 inhabitants0 km²
Jubek0 inhabitants0 km²
Kapoeta0 inhabitants0 km²
Latjoor0 inhabitants0 km²
Lol0 inhabitants0 km²
Maiwut0 inhabitants0 km²
Maridi0 inhabitants0 km²
Northern Liech0 inhabitants0 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also