
Official nameRepublic of Zambia
Name in local languageRepublic of Zambia (en)
SubcontinentSouthern Africa
Population (ranking: 66e)18,411,253 inhabitants (2021)
Population growth2.94 % / year
Area770,243 km²
Density23.90 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 121e)19.320 billions $USD (2020)
GDP/capita (ranking)1,051 $USD (2020)
GDP growth-3.00 % / year (2020)
Life expectancy (ranking)63.90 years (2019)
Birth rate35.30 ‰ (2018)
Fertility rate4.70 children / woman (2018)
Death rate (ranking)5.11 ‰ (2018)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)42.00 ‰ (2018)
Literacy rate74.00 % (2018)
Official languagesEnglish
CurrencyZambian kwacha (ZMK)
HDI (ranking: 182e)0.584 / 1 (2019)
EPI (ranking)50.97 (2018)
GovernmentUnitary Presidential republic
Head of StatePresident Hakainde Hichilema
National Day24 October (independence of 1964)
Tourists (ranking)1,083,000 people (2017)
Zambia – small
A population that suffers

Zambia is a southern African country, landlocked. Surrounded by Angola to the west, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania to the north, Malawi and Mozambique to the east, and Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia to the south, Zambia is a crescent-shaped country, a kind of border between Central, Southern and Eastern Africa.

Zambie - femmes dans un village
Zambia – Women in a village
Zambie - Lac Bangwelo
Zambia – Lake Bangwelo. Source: Wildlife Archives
Zambie - girafe
Zambia – Giraffe. Source: Wildlife Archives
See all related maps or articles
Urban areas (2020)
Urban areasPopulation
Lusaka3,371,099 inhabitants
Kitwe838,209 inhabitants
Ndola612,105 inhabitants
Kasama520,459 inhabitants
Nakonde - Tunduma (Tanzania)306,463 inhabitants
Kapiri Mposhi305,552 inhabitants
Chipata305,396 inhabitants
Chingola293,856 inhabitants
Monze278,570 inhabitants
Kalomo273,938 inhabitants
Kabwe265,886 inhabitants
Mansa264,295 inhabitants
Choma262,306 inhabitants
Mazabuka248,404 inhabitants
Mumbwa227,719 inhabitants
Petauke226,381 inhabitants
Mufulira220,960 inhabitants
Luanshya211,692 inhabitants
Katete209,427 inhabitants
Livingstone202,562 inhabitants
Sinda194,117 inhabitants
Kafue176,926 inhabitants
Solwezi173,639 inhabitants
Nchelenge170,002 inhabitants
Lundazi169,530 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Central1,815,801 inhabitants94,395 km²
Copperbelt2,675,446 inhabitants31,328 km²
Eastern2,071,895 inhabitants69,106 km²
Luapula1,278,847 inhabitants50,567 km²
Lusaka3,289,132 inhabitants21,896 km²
Muchinga1,079,501 inhabitants87,806 km²
North Western952,470 inhabitants125,826 km²
Northern1,503,180 inhabitants77,650 km²
Southern2,140,034 inhabitants85,283 km²
Western1,079,115 inhabitants126,386 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also