
Official nameTokelau
Name in local languageTokelau (en)
Population (ranking: 248e)1,556 inhabitants (2019)
Population growth1.25 % / year
Area10 km²
Density155.60 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 242e)0.010 billions $USD (2016)
GDP/capita (ranking)6,275 $USD (2016)
GDP growth17.28 % / year (2016)
Life expectancy (ranking)69.00 years (2015)
Birth rate19.40 ‰ (2016)
Fertility rate3.80 children / woman (2016)
Death rate (ranking)7.00 ‰ (2016)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)31.00 ‰ (2015)
Literacy rate96.75 % (2016)
Official languagesEnglish, Tokelauan
CurrencyNew Zealand dollar ($ NZD)
HDI (ranking: 121e)0.750 / 1 (2008)
EPI (ranking)0.00 (2018)
GovernmentConstitutional monarchy, Dependent territory of New Zealand
Head of StateQueen Elizabeth II
National Day6 February (Waitangi, treaty establishing British sovereignty over New Zealand, 1840)
Tokelau – petite

Tokelau is a territory of New Zealand, located in Oceania. The Tokelau archipelago consists of three Polynesian islands, Fakaofo (2,6 km2), Nukunonu (5,4 km2) and Atafu (2,2 km2), which extend for 170 kilometers in the South Pacific, midway between Hawaii in the United States and New Zealand. Tokelau is located south of Kiribati, north of Samoa, American Samoa and Wallis and Futuna, west of Cook, and east of Tuvalu.

Île aux Tokelau
Island of Tokelau

It is one of the smallest territories in the world, and one of the least populated. Due to their very low elevation above sea level, the Tokelau atolls are particularly vulnerable to climate change and rising sea levels.
Most of the Tokelauan population lives in New Zealand (about 7,000 people) and not on the archipelago itself. Many of these migrants will study in New Zealand and then stay to find work.

Atoll aux Tokelau
Atoll in Tokelau

There is no capital in Tokelau, each island has its own administrative center (villages of the same name as the islands). It is also one of the few territories in the world that does not have an airport. The isolation of the archipelago is strengthened, because the only way to reach this territory is by boat, or seaplane. Tourism is almost non-existent, despite the geographic advantages of the territory.
One of the peculiarities of this archipelago is to be the 4th most obese territory in its adult population in the world, ie about 64% (in 2007).

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Urban areas (2016)
Urban areasPopulation
Atafu541 inhabitants
Fakaofo506 inhabitants
Nukunonu452 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Atafu541 inhabitants2 km²
Fakaofo506 inhabitants3 km²
Nukunonu452 inhabitants5 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also