
Official nameRepublic of Lithuania
Name in local languageLietuvos Respublika (lt)
SubcontinentEuropean Union
Population (ranking: 142e)2,795,674 inhabitants (2018)
Population growth-0.62 % / year
Area65,286 km²
Density42.82 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 86e)53.251 billions $USD (2018)
GDP/capita (ranking)19,090 $USD (2018)
GDP growth3.50 % / year (2018)
Life expectancy (ranking)75.70 years (2018)
Birth rate10.10 ‰ (2017)
Fertility rate1.63 children / woman (2017)
Death rate (ranking)14.20 ‰ (2017)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)2.90 ‰ (2017)
Literacy rate100.00 % (2018)
Official languagesLithuanian
CurrencyEuro (€ EUR)
HDI (ranking: 51e)0.869 / 1 (2018)
EPI (ranking)69.33 (2018)
GovernmentUnitary semi-presidential republic
Head of StatePresident Gitanas Nausėda
National Day16 February (independence of 1918)
Tourists (ranking)929,900 people (2017)
Lituanie – petite

Lithuania is a northern European country located on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea in northeastern Poland and the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, in north-western Byelorussia, in southern Latvia.

Vilnius, capitale de la Lituanie
Vilnius, capitale of Lithuania
Vilnius vue du ciel, Lituanie
Vilnius view from the sky, Lithuania
Château de Trakai, Lituanie
Castle of Trakai, Lithuania
See all related maps or articles
Urban areas (2017)
Urban areasPopulation
Vilnius673,921 inhabitants
Kaunas383,764 inhabitants
Klaipėda205,944 inhabitants
Šiauliai142,655 inhabitants
Panevėžys127,471 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Counties (Apskritis)PopulationArea
Alytus141,616 inhabitants5,418 km²
Kaunas569,875 inhabitants8,086 km²
Klaipėda320,507 inhabitants5,222 km²
Marijampolė145,360 inhabitants4,466 km²
Panevėžys225,033 inhabitants7,878 km²
Šiauliai270,482 inhabitants8,537 km²
Tauragė98,608 inhabitants4,409 km²
Telšiai137,769 inhabitants4,349 km²
Utena133,481 inhabitants7,191 km²
Vilnius805,173 inhabitants9,730 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also