
Official nameKingdom of Lesotho
Name in local language'Muso oa Lesotho (st) ; Kingdom of Lesotho (en)
SubcontinentSouthern Africa
Population (ranking: 150e)2,183,687 inhabitants (2018)
Population growth4.30 % / year
Area30,355 km²
Density71.94 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 192e)2.792 billions $USD (2018)
GDP/capita (ranking)1,324 $USD (2018)
GDP growth1.50 % / year (2018)
Life expectancy (ranking)53.70 years (2018)
Birth rate29.45 ‰ (2015)
Fertility rate3.20 children / woman (2016)
Death rate (ranking)19.85 ‰ (2015)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)53.20 ‰ (2016)
Literacy rate86.20 % (2016)
Official languagesSesotho, English
CurrencyLesotho loti (LSL), South African rand (ZAR)
HDI (ranking: 202e)0.518 / 1 (2018)
EPI (ranking)33.78 (2018)
GovernmentUnitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Head of StateKing Letsie III
National Day4 October (independence of 1966)
DemonymMosotho (singular) ; Basotho (plural)
Tourists (ranking)320,000 people (2013)
Lesotho – petite
Underdevelopment worsened by AIDS and external dependence

Lesotho is a mountainous, mountainous southern African state that is completely landlocked in the territory of South Africa, of which it is economically particularly dependent.

Landscape of Lesotho
Landscape of Lesotho
Lake, Lesotho
Lake, Lesotho
Maseru, capitale of Lesotho
Maseru, capitale of Lesotho
Lake, Lesotho
Lake, Lesotho
See all related maps or articles
Urban areas (2015)
Urban areasPopulation
Maseru294,325 inhabitants
See all urban areas
See also