
Official nameRepublic of Iraq
Name in local languageجمهورية العراق (ar) ; كۆماری عێراق (ku)
SubcontinentWestern Asia
Population (ranking: 39e)38,124,182 inhabitants (2018)
Population growth2.56 % / year
Area435,052 km²
Density89.63 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 51e)225.914 billions $USD (2018)
GDP/capita (ranking)5,878 $USD (2018)
GDP growth0.60 % / year (2018)
Life expectancy (ranking)70.50 years (2018)
Birth rate30.40 ‰ (2016)
Fertility rate4.00 children / woman (2016)
Death rate (ranking)5.40 ‰ (2016)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)30.60 ‰ (2016)
Literacy rate81.54 % (2015)
Official languagesArabic, Kurdish
CurrencyIraqi dinar (IQD)
HDI (ranking: 160e)0.689 / 1 (2018)
EPI (ranking)43.20 (2018)
GovernmentFederal parliamentary republic
Head of StatePresident Barham Salih
National Day9 April (fall of Baghdad)
Tourists (ranking)892,000 people (2013)
Irak – petite

Iraq is a country in West Asia, or the Near East, located in the north of the Arabian Peninsula. It is located west of Iran, northeast of Jordan, east of Syria, northwestern Kuwait, northeastern Saudi Arabia, and southeastern from Turkey. Iraq occupies a central position in the region and is rich in natural resources, mainly oil and gas, of which it has some of the largest reserves in the world. He is a member of OPEC.

Citadelle d'Arbil, Kurdistan, Irak
Citadel of Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq. Photo: Jan Kurdistani
Panorama de Bagdad, capitale de l'Irak
Baghdad, capital city of Iraq
Bagdad, capitale de l'Irak
Baghdad, capital city of Iraq

Due to the conflict in Iraq, some large cities have been largely evacuated by the population, including Mosul. Many refugees have swelled the ranks of other major cities, including Baghdad, Basra, Erbil and Sulaymaniyah. The demographic statistics below are estimates, as the situation on site is too confusing to collect the information correctly.

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Urban areas (2015)
Urban areasPopulation
Baghdad13,034,225 inhabitants
Basra3,802,881 inhabitants
Erbil (Arbil)1,751,636 inhabitants
Nadjaf1,389,537 inhabitants
Kirkuk1,255,927 inhabitants
Kerbala1,151,150 inhabitants
Hilla970,141 inhabitants
Diwaniya900,927 inhabitants
Nassiriya860,235 inhabitants
Sulaymaniyah851,143 inhabitants
Mosul721,096 inhabitants
Amara550,542 inhabitants
Kut509,201 inhabitants
Bakouba487,674 inhabitants
Dahuk479,587 inhabitants
Ramadi465,853 inhabitants
Samawa420,000 inhabitants
Samarra348,700 inhabitants
Falloujah326,471 inhabitants
Tikrit185,000 inhabitants
Umm Qasr122,154 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Al-Anbar1,675,600 inhabitants137,808 km²
Al-Muthanna917,750 inhabitants51,740 km²
Al-Qadisiyya1,320,300 inhabitants8,153 km²
An-Najaf1,477,248 inhabitants28,824 km²
Arbil2,009,637 inhabitants14,873 km²
Babil2,000,000 inhabitants5,119 km²
Bagdad8,753,873 inhabitants4,555 km²
Bassorah (Al-Basra)4,700,000 inhabitants19,070 km²
Dahuk1,423,114 inhabitants10,956 km²
Dhi Qar2,040,126 inhabitants12,900 km²
Diyala1,548,500 inhabitants17,685 km²
Halabja102,802 inhabitants889 km²
Karbala1,378,000 inhabitants5,034 km²
Kirkouk1,515,600 inhabitants9,679 km²
Maysan1,412,234 inhabitants16,072 km²
Ninive3,524,300 inhabitants37,323 km²
Saladin (Salah ad-Din)1,509,200 inhabitants24,363 km²
Souleimaniyé (As-Sulaymaniya)1,936,883 inhabitants20,144 km²
Wasit1,457,000 inhabitants17,153 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also