Solomon Islands

Official nameSolomon Islands
Name in local languageSolomon Islands (en)
Population (ranking: 171e)667,044 inhabitants (2018)
Population growth2.11 % / year
Area28,896 km²
Density23.08 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 220e)1.412 billions $USD (2018)
GDP/capita (ranking)2,163 $USD (2018)
GDP growth3.40 % / year (2018)
Life expectancy (ranking)72.80 years (2018)
Birth rate26.33 ‰ (2014)
Fertility rate3.36 children / woman (2014)
Death rate (ranking)3.86 ‰ (2014)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)16.17 ‰ (2014)
Literacy rate84.10 % (2009)
Official languagesEnglish
CurrencySolomon Islands dollar ($ SBD)
HDI (ranking: 192e)0.557 / 1 (2018)
EPI (ranking)43.22 (2018)
GovernmentUnitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Head of StateQueen Elizabeth II ; Governor-General Frank Kabui
National Day7 July (independence of 1978)
DemonymSolomon Islander
Tourists (ranking)25,709 people (2017)
Salomon – petite
Hardly sustainable development that does not benefit all

The Solomon Islands Archipelago is a state in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, east of Papua New Guinea. The Solomon Islands is a monarchy member of the British Commonwealth. Made up of a dozen main islands and nearly a thousand smaller islands straddling two archipelagos: the Solomon Islands for the majority of the country and the Santa Cruz Islands in the northern province of Temotu from Vanuatu.

Solomon, heavenly islands
See all related maps or articles
Urban areas (2016)
Urban areasPopulation
Honiara216,275 inhabitants
Auki8,798 inhabitants
Gizo3,995 inhabitants
Munda2,843 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Capitale (Territoire)82,485 inhabitants22 km²
Centrale30,837 inhabitants615 km²
Choiseul33,370 inhabitants3,837 km²
Guadalcanal133,790 inhabitants5,336 km²
Isabel32,434 inhabitants4,136 km²
Makira-Ulawa50,625 inhabitants3,188 km²
Malaita155,457 inhabitants4,225 km²
Occidentale92,319 inhabitants5,475 km²
Rennell et Bellona3,823 inhabitants671 km²
Temotu24,278 inhabitants895 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also