
Official nameState of Eritrea
Name in local languageሃገረ ኤርትራ Hagere Ertra (ti) ; دولة إرتريا Dawlat Iritriya (ar)
SubcontinentEast Africa
Population (ranking: 123e)5,187,948 inhabitants (2018)
Population growth2.35 % / year
Area121,320 km²
Density42.76 inhabitants / km²
GDP (ranking: 160e)6.856 billions $USD (2018)
GDP/capita (ranking)988 $USD (2018)
GDP growth5.00 % / year (2018)
Life expectancy (ranking)65.90 years (2018)
Birth rate29.60 ‰ (2017)
Fertility rate3.99 children / woman (2017)
Death rate (ranking)7.20 ‰ (2017)
Infant mortality rate (ranking)45.00 ‰ (2017)
Literacy rate73.77 % (2015)
Official languagesTigrinya, Arabic, English
CurrencyNakfa (ERN)
HDI (ranking: 221e)0.434 / 1 (2018)
EPI (ranking)39.34 (2018)
GovernmentUnitary one-party presidential republic. Dictatorial
Head of StatePresident Isaias Afwerki
National Day24 May (independence of 1993)
Tourists (ranking)142,000 people (2016)
Érythrée – petite

Eritrea is a state in the Horn of Africa bordering the Red Sea. He has been separated since 1993 from Ethiopia. It is located in eastern Sudan, north of Ethiopia, north-west of Djibouti, facing Saudi Arabia and Yemen, across the Red Sea.

Asmara, capitale de l'Érythrée
Asmara, capitale of Eritrea
Campagne de l'Érythrée
Country of Eritrea
Montagnes d'Érythrée
Mountains of Eritrea. Photo: Hansueli Krapf
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Urban areas (2017)
Urban areasPopulation
Asmara1,258,001 inhabitants
Keren296,685 inhabitants
Assab135,669 inhabitants
Massaoua69,683 inhabitants
See all urban areas
Administrative divisions
Anseba893,587 inhabitants23,200 km²
Gash-Barka1,103,742 inhabitants33,200 km²
Maekel1,258,001 inhabitants1,300 km²
Mer Rouge méridionale (Debub-Keih-Bahri)398,073 inhabitants27,600 km²
Mer Rouge septentrionale (Semien-Keih-Bahri)897,454 inhabitants27,800 km²
Sud (Debub)1,476,765 inhabitants8,220 km²
See all administrative divisions
See also